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Has your glovebox ever opened on it's own?


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Mine has a major problem with falling open on it's own. It closes fine but it'll fall open on it's own going over a bump. I've had it to the dealer 4 going on 5 times now... Anyone else had this problem?


Other than that I love the car! :)

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ROFL... sorry man, that sucks. Just tell the dealership to replace it, if they dont... Thats definately a manufactuers defect. If they try to say that its not covered, just tell them you arent leaving till they fix it, and you are tired of coming in to have them look at it or "fix" it. Get them to pay for your tank of gas too, for having to drive there all the time and using your time. :lol: :lol:

Oh, and no, I havent had this problem, but I have dealt with getting things replaced before :p When I got my headlight bulb replaced I had to drive to Dallas (2 hours away) and I got them to pay for my gas.

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I've had a problem getting it to close, but not to stay closed.

I have noticed I have to reach way over and use the center of the door to close it as opposed to the far left side as I would from my natural seating position.


Plus you cant fit anything in there anyway except the owners manual in its cubby. 3 napkins from Dunkin Donuts and thats about it.

Good Luck...


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Just be happy that everytime you open your glove box it doenst blow the fuse to your interior lights, yea that sucked!


Sometime at night (cant remember what time it was, just that it was hella dark), driving home: "Ummmmmm so how fast am I going? I cant read the spedo since there arent any lights.... hey, find the flashlight in the trunk and shine it up here on the dash" :rolleyes: yea that night was a hoot

JDM'd All to hell


Thanks Jimmy @ Hkc-Speed.com!

RIP Coxx & Thanks

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Fresh off the lot, mine wouldn't stay closed nine times out of ten, even when slammed. I took it to the dealer and they adjusted it. Works perfect now.


If you're just going to live with it, maybe lock it when you close it? That MIGHT help, I don't know how the lock mechanism looks...

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As I type this, my LGT is at the dealer for an extended visit to correct the following...


1) replace glove box door and latch (same problem you mentioned)

2) fix moonroof shade that slides open when I accelerate hard

3) fix dome light that won't shut off when in the door-switched position

4) reprogram ECU to address the "stutter issue".

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Same problem - hard to keep closed. Just very loosely closed when it is closed, and sometimes just comes open on its own. When it's shut, it slightly leans left, like its going to come open again. Cheaply made, that is for certain. Next time I am at the dealer, I will request they fix.
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  • 3 weeks later...
If you open it from the driver's seat and close it on that angle it will pop open.


Yep, that's what does it. Mine falls open when I dont close it good enough b/c I'm reaching across too.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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For reliable closure, push at the center line of the glove box preferebly right under the lock opening.


Uh yeah....tried that. :rolleyes: As well as locking the dumb thing.


Along with having the Dealer replace the locking mechanism, adjust the glove box, and adjust the latch inside the glove box. Pushing toward the center of the car when closing does work for a little bit...and then...it pops open again. :mad:

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I had my lousy fitting glovebox replaced under warranty and it still doesn't fit right (too big a gap at the top) and still opens up when you hit a sharp bump. This is an improvement over the previous one which hung crooked and opened up every time you ran over a pebble in the road. GRRRRR.


Subaru needs to address this... the glovebox latch design sucks big time.

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I got the issue after I retro-fitted the cabin air filter kit (a joke of engineering in itself - save yourself the $100 and use an Xacto knife like the factory did). Of course, when showing to the dealer that sitting in the driver's seat makes the lid hard to close, it works great! :mad:
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