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Parental Advice Thread


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What are you guys paying babysitters if they stay overnight? Our kid sleeps from 8pm till 9-10am if your let him.


My first thought was half of what they get during the day.... But up for suggestions


Can you pay them in threesomes if they're 18-21?

****** beat me to it :mad:

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At my daughter's senior recital- a requirement for her Bachelor of Music. I don't know who is more nervous, me or her. So proud.



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  • 3 months later...

Friends from high school (good friends, who often travel without their 8&11 YO children) came to visit for my birthday weekend. I asked them to not bring the children, or to pick a different weekend, but they came with the children anyway. Both kids have iPhones, laptops, iPads and kindles. The parents are on their own devices the entire time (they live 800 miles from us; we see them 1-2 times a year). Basically, they come here and check out and let my husband entertain their kids. Then, they argue, in front of the children, on how to parent. He argues that they get away with everything (they do; mom get me a glass of water. Mom where's my charger. Mom (yelled from two rooms away), I need XYZ. - and every time she gets up and goes). But he does nothing to change it. She takes the path of zero resistance. Buys them shit food, 'because they ask for it and won't eat anything else'. She says the 8 year old needs her to help fall asleep. I go up there (we are waiting downstairs to play cards), and they are on the bed next to each other, on their own devices, the girl with her headphones on. Sunday is my normal long walk day - I said anyone could come, but I'm walking fast. Dad and 11YO son come. They spend their ENTIRE walk on their devices. The dad really wanted to run - cute boy came with the hounds and offered that the son could walk with him. No - he wanted to walk with dad. They didn't speak the entire time. They didn't enjoy the 65F weather and nature and beautiful sights - they enjoyed their devices. WTF. We are never, ever doing this again. We are far from perfect parents - FAR from. But this is just ridiculous. /rant


Tl;dr obnoxious friends with obnoxious friends no longer welcome.



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I feel your pain JJ, I don't think people get it, phone's and pad's everywhere, took my daughter for allergy shots last week, mandatory 20 minute wait after the shot. I start reading a magazine and look up 5 minutes later and I'm surrounded by 20 people with phone's and pad's, 11yo daughter included. WTF has this world become , technology is great but, everyone is so absorbed with these devices it's sad, interpersonal relationships are going by the wayside. Good luck starting a conversation with someone.


Congrats on the weight loss, I now realize why you never posted a good soup recipe LOL

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I use my phone when I got for a walk so I can listen to music.



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But are you reading crap on it the whole time you walk? They were not listening to music.

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But are you reading crap on it the whole time you walk? They were not listening to music.


I tried once, screw that, cant concentrate and it slows me down.


Crazy though, people are addicted to it.


So addicted it lead to this



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Both my wife and I use our phones too much. Never while walking though.


I noticed it with my 4 month old. 2 months ago 0 interest in our phones. Now he is starting to stare at them.


The one thing in our defense, we are mostly reading. So, at least he isn't looking at flashing video game lights :D.


But we need to cut it out. I used to read a lot more. Before bed, whenever I was bored or had time to kill I would be reading.


Now it's pull out my phone and wasting time reading useless opinions on reddit.


Although, when we go for a walk we can't read our phones. Two dogs and a baby keep that from happening. Should have just walked faster and left them behind.

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i use my phone most of the day for work, when i get out of there i dont use it much at all unless im sitting around with no one to talk to or nothing else to do, which is rarely. i used to be on it all the time playing games, reading stuff and whatnot. the draw just isnt there anymore, most of the time i sit with friends while they are on their devices and it gets boring watching them.
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