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Febreze Mee

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Everything posted by Febreze Mee

  1. Whoops, my apologies for the misinformation then. I have just never dealt with that issue.
  2. It's the little maintenance things that make a big difference, no? I like your skid plate.
  3. If the shifter is in neutral is means there isn't a drive gear engaged in the transmission. Your transmission is not your problem. The rust on the brake rotors is also a nonissue. Is it possible you depressed the brake pedal while the car was off. If so, this would mean there is not any vacuum to assist the fluid throughout the lines, and the pistons inside the brake caliper are engaged on your rotor, keeping the wheels from rotating. If the you can turn the car on with the new battery, but don't want to/can not drive it, follow below instructions: Start the car (engine running), allow the vacuum to restore by pressing the brakes once or twice (your pressing to make sure the pedal has returned to a normal feel), engage the parking brake, put the car in neutral, then turn off the car. Make sure that you do not press on the brake pedal unless you need to. You should be able to push your car now. I cannot think of any other quick fixes off of the top of my head, but I'm sure a quick google search, or another forum member with a similar experience could shed some light.
  4. This is ridiculous. It looks like I had the WQR53 recall done within the last couple of years.
  5. "Horrid" is such good word. And that is exactly what it looks like. WOW! I appreciate you very much. The world must know about this. FIXED thanks to your detailed walk-through with pictures (bonus points). And now that I know how to use dev tools a little better, I can fix this issue again in the future for this forum, or any other site. It's nice to know I can clear independent site cookies too. Thank you again for taking the time to make your post and explain it to me and anyone else who finds this thread. Have a splendid day!
  6. VDC/ABS is due to needing a new ABS module, traction control is off. Those were the only lights.
  7. Saw this whilst enjoying an morning drive.
  8. From searches? Will you elaborate a little more on what you mean there, please? I do not have the ability to change the version of the forum when the display is in this mode I have described. Fortunately, the site display has reverted back to normal in Microsoft Edge, for the time being (I am going to assume this is temporary). I did not have the ability to upload pictures or view pictures when the display was messed up. I will attempt to upload a photo now. I am not able to perform half as many functions (i.e. post/view pictures, edit replies, functions buttons are nonexistent) when the display mode is as in the pictures below. Below are what the site looks like on Microsoft Edge (left) and Google Chrome (middle & right): The picture of the display for Microsoft Edge (left) is a picture of this thread as of this morning. Notice the scroll bar --the page is shown in its entirety. Towards the bottom of this picture there is no language option, no forum version option, no posting rules. The right most picture of Google Chrome (middle & right) is what the site display opens up to when I type "https://legacygt.com/" URL in. It is what the home page appear like. The middle picture is what a thread would appear like. Same format as Microsoft Edge. Towards the bottom of this picture there is also no language option, no forum version option, no posting rules.
  9. Didn't know where to post this. A couple weeks ago the forum display (on any page) started acting up. Everything went to a real "beta" version looking format. Green, blue, orange, pink highlighted lines of space behind text throughout the screen. Hyperlinks everywhere instead of buttons. I was using Google Chrome up to the point that happened then switched over to Microsoft Edge. I did have a ton of tabs open whilst using chrome, but closed almost all in a sense to diagnose the display issue with this forum. No luck. I cleared my cache, no luck. If anyone has any experience with the display I have attempted to describe, your assistance would be much appreciated. I cannot be the only one this has happened to. I will attempt to post a picture to give an example, but I don't even see an "file management" hyperlink anywhere. Thanks in advance. *This is all occurring with my PC only. The display works properly on my phone, but I cannot post pictures via my phone.*
  10. Just picked up a bunch of interior trim off of Kalien32 in order to stay as fresh as possible. Really excited about the child achor caps haha. The MOMO steering wheel is pretty cool too. Thanks again Kyle for meeting me at BWW. I appreciate your hospitality, and introduction to the Pacific Northwest!
  11. Why thank you! After a few years of contemplating what an appropriate vanity plate would be for one of my Subaru wagons, it was decided, in less than 5 mins of thinking it over that this was most appropriate. I laid restless in bed and it came to me, and I just started laughing maniacally...like this...BWAHAHAHA, and then I got up and purchased the plates Other Outback-Specific ideas I had: - N FRONT ("Look Honey, it's an Outback...N FRONT.") - WAYGON (an oronym of the words "wagon" & "way gone") - ONROAD (this would make more sense if you saw the car in final form, for it is imagined to sit as a lowered rally car) - OXYMRON/XYMORON ("oxymoron" [lowered rally car]) More info than anyone could ever car about you say. I say someone out there wants to know. Looking forward to your write-up.
  12. Great choice! Post up pics of everything on your thread as you go (or when it's done) -- I want to see it all. I like comparisons haha. Definitely curious to see the differences of stock vs. yours vs. mine once you get it all buttoned-up. Reuploading those images here in case anyone wants them for reference. OEM (left) vs. LED (right):
  13. Yeah, that set of LGT brakes probably won't last too long either. I'm considering grabbing them myself. So save me $200 please.
  14. 'Tis quite the modification. I too have installed one and my car feels like a go-kart, comparatively speaking. Definitely sharpens up the dead-space in the wheel. If you're thinking about getting one, get one!
  15. Now this is common knowledge that a lot of us have possessed for some time now, but in case you hadn't been blessed yet, or were interested in some wisdom...….here: https://parts.subaru.com/?partner=Google_101_Subaru_General_State_TX_Exact&gclid=CjwKCAjwwPfVBRBiEiwAdkM0HXTLoQuVTickdh4NIrk0gyiBA4HUmk0b-sTEPCyVP9vDxMVhfoQqzxoCqagQAvD_BwE You're welcome. I have now bestowed this upon you. Use it for greatness, and better others with this Curse of Knowledge.
  16. BOOM! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PX8ZQ6Q/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?pd_rd_i=B07PX8ZQ6Q&pd_rd_w=A3njk&pf_rd_p=45a72588-80f7-4414-9851-786f6c16d42b&pd_rd_wg=lhtXJ&pf_rd_r=AV2YKEB0DVEXED0XKYM7&pd_rd_r=a9c08658-3347-473c-bdd6-8fc5aca3b570&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyVDg5RTlTNkdQVDVMJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTUzMDU0M0hQQzJEODZZVlBMUCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzIyODI3M1FOWFVEN05JMEQyNyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/Tribeca-Forester-2003-2016-Replacement-90914-0007/dp/B01M8M5LQ2/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_pop_multi_srecs_sabr_0_4/143-9334777-1993415?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01M8M5LQ2&pd_rd_r=fbcc0b40-2e8d-4379-85d2-978f10250c4a&pd_rd_w=kRIBV&pd_rd_wg=xkLrQ&pf_rd_p=a1791a68-4145-4831-831a-1672308caeb5&pf_rd_r=X1X1QZKSQS04CQW9BS36&refRID=X1X1QZKSQS04CQW9BS36&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/Ginsco-102pcs-Fasteners-Expansion-Replacement/dp/B076BMVZ8R/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_all_spx_wp_1_4/143-9334777-1993415?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B076BMVZ8R&pd_rd_r=fbcc0b40-2e8d-4379-85d2-978f10250c4a&pd_rd_w=Ogorp&pd_rd_wg=xkLrQ&pf_rd_p=ffd394b3-6bb0-43ec-8bd8-b3dd44ab44d6&pf_rd_r=X1X1QZKSQS04CQW9BS36&psc=1&refRID=X1X1QZKSQS04CQW9BS36 Alright, so I was being a little lazy. Here we go... matching PN#s All for the same product your getting at 100:$13 vs 1:$2.5 Why pay for 5 clips when you could get 20x as much for the same price. Thanks lil'redwagon
  17. Ohhhhh man! I so want to help you out, but are back in Texas in my garage. If you're willing to pay for shipping, I could get them up to you. Otherwise, I totally understand and wish you luck. - Andrew
  18. The bulb model I bought was the HP36 (210lumens), the $40 option: https://www.diodedynamics.com/backup-leds-for-2005-2019-subaru-outback-pair.html They put out more light than the factory 921s, but had I another $50 to spend at the time, I would have opted for the $90 XP50s, especially considering it is almost double the lumen count. But if it's anything to you, I can see better when reversing at night, even with my window tint ("medium," I have no idea what % the tint is). Let me know what you end up going with. I really want to see the XP50's in your wagon. Orrrrrrrrr, I would be willing to sell the HP36s to you $40 shipped and just get some XP50s for myself. I put the reverse lights in on Christmas Eve so, they are still brand new. If you're interested in doing this, the only caveat is I do not have my car with me, so if you can wait till the end of the month when I should have the car, then I'm game if you are. Either way, I'm happy with my reverse lights, not in a rush to upgrade, as there was already a significant difference from what I can see.
  19. Yes, part numbers please. I promise I'm not being lazy, I just want to make sure I don't get any oversized ones either. The clips are dumb expensive for what they are so a cheaper amazon alternative would be perfect!
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