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I Donated Too
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Posts posted by islandborn

  1. Cobb took mine and rebuilt my Original one - bored it to 100mm and thru in some CP pistons. Added some King bearings and some ARP bolts then slapped everything else from my old engine on - now.... that rebuilt engine lasted me another 100k miles.... and I didn't play nice with it either.


    IAG is boring and honing new heads for me - which is a basic 2.5 build regardless of the car. Them main assemble will be done inhouse by AWDTuning.

  2. At sonic sitting in the drive thru line. Sonic chick walked out an order to the car in front. Happened to look at mine, and started to walk over exclaiming "thats a sweet car". I said thanks and she looked inside then exclaimed, "oh, and a stick shift?? Thats so hot!". then went inside.


    A million things to say went screaming thru my head.... but alas, marriage can be a cold shower to that. lol

  3. Here's a long story...


    So driving home one night - chatting away on the phone. White charger pulls along side and revs a bit, does the whole slow down speed up stuff next to me. I'm not really in the mood, so I ignore him. He proceeds to blast away. At the next light he's in the slower lane and I end up passing him. He maneuvers around and finally gets behind me. As I'm in the inside lane slowly overtaking a car in the outside lane, he pulls into the middle turn lane and rips by me. I'm now quite pissed at that stupid and dangerous move. So, as he is waiting for me to pull along side, I roll the window down. He starts to wave with a smile, but I cut him off with some quite pointed expletives I have mastered over the 42 years of my life. He rolls up his window and drops back. I continue home. I then realize he has pulled into my neighborhood behind me way back - I double around and get behind him. He pulls into his home. I stop and roll down my window - he says "bro, whats with you? Just trying to have a bit of fun", his wife now has run outside to see whats going on...


    ...you still with me? Ready for the kicker???


    I ask if this is his house - "yes". I then ask "Is that your cop car?" to which he says "yes". He then says, "and I know where you live too". I look at him and said "good, and I'm sorry you have made such a stupid decision" (edit note: my wife is a senior sergeant with the same dept, soon to be a lieutenant, he's a basic street cop) and I drive home.


    I explain to my wife what all transpired. She then starts getting texts from the dumbass apologizing all over himself for the stupidness and being so immature. Out of this he explains how he has loved my car since moving in and talks about it to his buddies. He wants to get into the car mod culture and was trying to "be cool" to me. He just got his challenger and doesn't know the "street racer codes" and guesses he did a "taboo". He explains he wants to make right and would love to talk shop and check out my car with me and to see if I can help him with modding his - so a couple of days later he wanders down (im not home) with a case of Budweiser and a huge smoked brisket he cooked. (we in texas remember!)


    Yes, I could have reported him as well as my wife. But, decided that he was horrified by his actions and realized his mistakes - so thats good enough for me. I cannot lie though, knowing a bunch of cops dig my ride is sorta a cool feeling! Plus, case of beer (even though I'm a Heineken man) and a huge brisket is a great way of getting forgiven.


    The end. :)

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