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Posts posted by islandborn

  1. Teaching Latin America this week...one of my favorite lessons - Reggae history! BOB! Always have to skirt around the Mary J tho as high school students would only focus on that then.... Otherwise I enjoy opening up that music to a predominately group of country listeners.
  2. Inlaws have been in the whole week (from Ohio), so my wife takes off from work Monday - Wednesday. Because of not working, she takes the "getting up with baby" job those nights. Being a great guy, I told her that I would take Thursday and Friday. Well for those three nights that were on my wife's shift, the kid (5month old) got up at least twice....Wednesday was an every 2 hour hit. BUT for me? Both nights - slept straight through. I'm living right I tell ya! hahahaha Haven't told wife about the Chloroform trick..... JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!! lol.
  3. Dehydrated... Wanted water, decided to go name brand and bought a good size Fiji water bottle. So there I was at the gas station trying to fit a square peg into a round hole (cup holders):spin:. Just had to laugh. Well, at least it kept my crotch cold for the drive home. :p
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