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Posts posted by B-BGTLimited

  1. I see quite a few NA legacy's in my area but I doubt any of them are on this forum... I pass a black one every day and he also lives in my neighborhood... As well as I saw a white one waiting at the intersection of RT 169 and 101 this AM, I passed him going the other way and he didn't acknowledge my presence.
  2. That is true the emissions should be the same after the cold start up, but since infamous does sell a product that bypasses a factory installed emissions item he needs to state that removing that item as well as the codes is for off road use only because if they do an OBDII check they could see the system reporting not ready from that item not passing the test aka SES light being illuminated. Granted code removal or disabling with the Tactrix can/will fix this issue, BUT as a vendor they can not endorse doing those items to a street driven vehicle.


    I used all three plates covering both ports on the heads and left the one full solenoid in my car I also tapped off the inlet on that solenoid in hopes to keep out moisture, that inlet was left open since that one extra plate only covers one side of the solenoid and you remove the hose that is the supply from the pump on the other side.

  3. You have a point.... However there are quite a few men out there that simply think women car enthusiasts don't know jack about their cars or if they really don't know a whole lot about their cars think they aren't enthusiasts when in reality they would love to learn and get their hands dirty if they had a teacher. In that regard you seem to be a different brand of male and your wife sounds awesome and would love to meet her.


    In regards to the "yoga pants" comment. There is a reason that this and the "what did you do to your 4th gen..." Are the only threads I really reD and comment in. Other than posting the occasional for sale thread which is really not worth my effort on this site.


    Annnyyyywaaaaayyyy maybe we can meet up some weekend and talk cars. Or if you ever see my car at the lisbon walmart do what someone else did and hover by my car until I get out if you have time :)


    I have something cool in the works that your wife might be interested in. I will send you a PM when it's up and running.


    I encourage women to get up to their elbows in cars... There is no reason why they can't have the same drive and ambition as anyone else.


    Keep me posted and if I do see your car and I'm not in a rush I'll hang around :)

  4. I am a chick....sooo I could care less what she looks like.

    My apologies... but this is some information about you that I was lacking when I made my assumption about your statement and didn't really pay attention to the S/N. But with the amount of yoga pants posts on this forum can you blame me for assuming?


    If it is owned by a female I would be excited at the prospect of having someone close by that also owns and LGT that is female.

    It may not be a LGT but my wife has an 04 Forester XT Silver, Since her Impreza got hit she got this car and wanted the turbo version because of my LGT... and since she's acquired it she has been doing all the work on it. She did her own timing belt with just a little assistance from me and she took it upon herself to swap out her plugs one day when I was at work. And now she wants an up pipe and downpipe and IC/tune to go with it... lol.


    She doesn't have a large Subie sticker on her car but her calipers are also painted pink with her Hella supertones and she also has a pink snail sticker on her back hatch. Oh I can't forget she plasti dipped her wheels when I was in Colorado for Beretta Fest.


    It would be nice to share the passion for cars with another like mind.

    Male or Female, isn't someone with a passion for a certain vehicle a "like mind"?

  5. I believe we saw this same car in Norwich on Tuesday night possibly parked at Starbucks? I would love to meet the owner!


    You're just hoping she's cute... LOL If it even is a she... ;)


    If I had a LGT business card I would have gone and left it on the windshield of the car, but I only have http://www.beretta.net ones.... that wouldn't work out.


    and WTF your in Griswold and I haven't bumped into you yet? I mean come on I know my car's been up and down for the past two months but still...

  6. Black Legacy GT with big pink subaru logo in rear window and pink rims down in Norwich CT at the Ten Pin Plaza parking lot, guessing antenna hair nail place or eastern ct pain center employee since parked in the back corner.
  7. My wife works at the North Smithfield HS. Her first year there, and I have friends who live on 100 in Burrillville. Small world... LOL


    She drives an 04 silver Forester XT with Rally Armor mudflaps pink hella's and calipers... lol


    I'm easy to spot... Stock looking 07 LGT with OMG-AWD for a plate.

  8. I was referring to the Engine Support Assembly, ST 41099AC000 which replaces the pitch stopper.


    Flat plate of metal with two holes in it... Drill a third if it's not short enough, or slot one... Simple tool to make.


    Oh and putting Anti seize on the dowels doesn't help. I did that when I did my clutch, 50k later pulling the engine it was JUST as stuck. If anything, find a small reamer and open up the holes on the block so the pins fit easier and not so tight, Original its near a press fit.

  9. Got a thumbs up through his sunroof by a Mass 08+ silver LGT with quad tips on 395 southbound by exit 96... My poor Black 07 was on a trailer being towed by a F150 because #4 piston decide to explode right at the Thompson exit... :(


    My plate is OMG AWD

  10. You didn't say HI to each other in the bank...


    TunedPort 335, Next time walk into the bank stand in the middle and just shout out, "Excuse me everyone I'd like to have your attention please!"........... "Who's driving the Legacy parked in the parking lot?"


    I highly doubt you'd be able to utter the second half of that statement before everyone hits the deck though... LOL


    I know that scene is in a movie I just can't place which one it is...

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