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I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Merc6

  1. That sounds like the place where the cops sit in service(black out) mode.... If you are lucky you can spot the red tactical dome light off the side mirror.
  2. Connectors aren't the same on the bottom. Airbag light and seat belt light will show up. The 05 has the box on the seat and 06 and up don't. 05 the seat belt is on the seat above the power controls where 06 it's on the floor. Depending on state you won't pass safety with the airbag light on. Nobody buckles seat belts to see if the seat belt light turns off tho...
  3. Guess I'll look into it. Gonna try and get back in those forums I'm locked out still:rolleyes:
  4. I just need it to log. I am going to try and get back to my tuner in Maryland some time and get a road/dyno tune. Hoping for beginning of next month.
  5. Now I have to remember my user, password, and email account used for it. Was this a laptop or a AP cord? I ditched my AP back in the day for open source. When I look for software and cables I end up with stuff like this in my search. http://www.scantool.net/scan-tools/elmscan5-compact.html
  6. Good shi cause I got a 05 seat to replace this 06 one and the 05 skin looks like complete arse to just do a hot swap. It's getting warmer out I might do it over the weekend.
  7. Anyone in the area able to help me datalog? I need a tune and want to make sure that is the only thing I need.
  8. Make sure the car is an 05.... Or keep your seat bottoms cause the passenger airbag and seatbelt are not the same.
  9. I chased down a SWP LGT and....It was a older couple. (⊙_⊙)
  10. Still trying to find time to take it apart. The arm that connects the glove box handle to lock is what you watch. pull the plastic cubby part off with 3-5 Phillips screws on sides/bottom and pull handle to watch it move. when taking apart just be careful of spring and a little black rubber piece that flies/falls off. best bet is do this inside where there is way more space and visible floor in the event it does go flying. Not a eye safety just a minor frustrating flying off issue.
  11. Apparently there is another modded legacy in this area (downtown). He is selling a FMIC in FS section.
  12. I washed my car and then it snowed. Back in same boat.
  13. Only 1 car was washed prior putting us to shame!
  14. Just saw one tonight side by side and I hate my bumpers even more. I think I want to convert to JDM. Back on topic a local is getting the setup so I will be able to hear them in person. Might do it over the summer if I still have the car in one piece.
  15. Well what can I say? 3 Modified legacies in one place. Has to be a record of some kind.
  16. Didn't catch that. I have the down pipe and I butcher the name every time. I refuse to try and type it on my phone.
  17. Didn't mean to blow you off there. I didn't get back in till late. Gonna try today after I dig a path to my car.
  18. Think I like that and the tips look like they stick out farther than the other pics.
  19. About that time...Hope the weather stops for Thursday. I also hope the tranny is not shot.
  20. Not that hard once you figure out the workings of it. Don't lose the screws or the spring that will tuck and roll out of sight forever when you take the cylinder part out. Just move the handle after you separate the cubby part from the actual external side and watch it move. Take it apart and swap them over. I wanted to take pics when Mr_luv and I did the swap between 2 cars but we were against the clock for epi..(oh damn almost said it!) downpour. Second we got the last seat bolted in it rained for 3 days. I haven't touched my car in a few days since it accidentally on me. I might take the cover off and take a pic drawing arrows and circling stuff. Give me a few hrs if you haven't already started.
  21. I went from black to tan. Dash, doors, and center console as well. It doesn't get that hot so black won't be that bad in NoVa where as Texas I would sway from it. My personal experience with tan is, every place you take your car to will give you the car back with worse looking seats than when you turned it of to them. I ordered a seat from a totaled legacy to get my air bag light off and the lower miles car had and even worse skin on it than mine.
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