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Get scuff marks off leather seats?


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It seems if I look at the leather seats the wrong way they scuff. The leather is wayyyyy too soft.


I've even stopped wearing jeans with buttons on the pockets.


Does anyone sell anything I can use to remove very light scuff marks?

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I have no scuffs. If its a deep scuff, there's nothing you can do. 9/10 its a light scuff that shows when dirt gets in it. I'd had luck using leather hydrating oils and cleaners on my GNX seats but they seem to be made of tougher stuff the the subs.
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+1 i just used some Armour all leather cleaner to get most of the scuffs out. if you use something a little more abrasive (i used a microfiber cloth) it may get more of the dirt out.


I have no scuffs. If its a deep scuff, there's nothing you can do. 9/10 its a light scuff that shows when dirt gets in it. I'd had luck using leather hydrating oils and cleaners on my GNX seats but they seem to be made of tougher stuff the the subs.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Then what are you complsining about?




Anyways back to reality.


I tried a few different products and talked to a leather deatailer.


Once the surface of the leather/"leather like" material has been changed it's not going to go back with Armor-all or conditioner. They can repair the scuffs with dye.


Cleaners, conditioners, etc.. will only work on tan/white/etc leather with a black scuff. Not black leather with a white scuff.


The detailer agreed that Subaru made a poor choice in soft leather/vinyl material for the legacy.


I thought criticism of the 2010 Legacy was not allowed on this forum, so it looks like we have a problem :)


If you actually spent the cash to buy the car and own one you can criticize it.


The rest of you need to stop bitching and moaning. :lol:

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Sorry to burst your bubble... but... I've watch all your threads. And all you do is b*tch, moan, and whine about the quality of this car.


While no one ever had the problem.. or everyone else is helping you out. You never post a single picture. OR at least try to post a pic...


It seems like this will be another one of your thread where you keep asking... then people keep giving advice... then you keep talking crap to others.

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I don't care how you pay for it. If you own the car you can criticize it. Most of you are spending a lot of energy criticizing a car you don't even own. I own one, if I want to bitch and moan about certain aspects of it I can and will.


Sorry to burst your bubble... but... I've watch all your threads. And all you do is b*tch, moan, and whine about the quality of this car.
And here you are bitching, moaning and crying about me.


I really don't care if I only make threads to complain. That's usually how it goes on forums. I have no need to start a thread to discuss how great the car is. I post in other threads with my positive comments. If you look a little closer I like a lot of things about this car that other don't like. I have a few very small issues with the car and you guys need to get over it.


If I sound like i'm bitching and moaning, too bad.


The majority of threads on this forum are people who have issues.


While no one ever had the problem.. or everyone else is helping you out. You never post a single picture. OR at least try to post a pic...
Like I said previously if you would take the time to pay attention. I took the time to take pictures but the scuffs do not show up. I'll go retake the pictures and post them up just to prove to you that the scuffs don't easily show up on screen like in person.


Actually no i'm not going to... That's a waste of time and i've wasted enough defending myself here..


It seems like this will be another one of your thread where you keep asking... then people keep giving advice... then you keep talking crap to others.
What do you want me to do publicly thank the people who offered useless/obvious advice while being an ass about it?




Go re-read my last post on the previous page. Getting a white scuff off of black leather isn't as easy as using conditioner. I tried, I had a detailer look over the leather.


I'm going to bitch and moan and cry about any problem I have with this car.


If it's such a big problem for you, you can deal with it or you can avoid my threads.


Giving me shit about it isn't going to do anything.

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