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Any one else running this set up?

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getting my car finished up an snapped a comparison pic.mine went together well except for the #1 boost tube it fit like shit.anyone here have similar problems?http://i635.photobucket.com/albums/uu78/jaymann69/intercooler1.jpg
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I'm no genius (clearly), but I've been around turbo cars for 15-20 years. Back in the DSM world, we'd have what we call pressure drop. That's a lot of piping and a huge core, can the turbo flow enough for that big of an intercooler? Meaning, are you sure that that FMIC is doing you good instead of bad?


I hope this isn't a stupid question, I'm just curious.

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they say it's less than 1/4 psi so i don't think i will have a problem i am waiting for my cai so i won't be able to drive it until next wed. to find out.i hope it's ok or i will be looking at a turbo upgrade.
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woah....did that beam come with the kit?


Yes, they supply the beam.


Perrin's claim about pressure drop applies only to the core, not the whole system, from what I understand.

Does the piping clear the coolant bottle?

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the core and the beam i would say weigh about 15-20 ponds it's heavy.are you running a stock turbo and what size is your core?i see other lgt's with a stock turbo and a fmic and they don't report problems the core i don't think is much bigger than avo or x02.
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Running an 18g with the 24x9x4 core. I had a Perrin top mount with the same turbo, the FMIC made a BIG difference. You'll be OK with the stock turbo. You might want to upgrade your WGA to a 15# unit. I did and my boost was much more stable and more consistant. No spike either. I run a 19psi target to 6200 then a quick taper to 15.5psi up to 7200.
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  • 2 weeks later...

update: got the car done fit and finish is great.here are a couple of pics.




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