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Synthetic choice

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I've been debating between Redline, Royal Purple and Rotella, what do you guys recommend? I've heard that the recommended oil change interval by Subaru is less than 4k miles so then what would be the point of synthetic?
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Dx - Since you are looking for an answer:


Synthetic oils only make sense for two reasons -


1. Longer oil runs, which aren't taken advantage of when you are doing short runs


2. The marginally better overall properties of synthetics, including increased flow, greater resistance to breakdown, and others.


Regarding number 2: Plenty of people have run non-synthetic oils in a normal, functioning engine and had near identical long-term operation as those who use synthetics. And plenty of people have broken down running synthetics.


With an interval under 4k, it's really about your peace of mind. Do you feel more peaceful using synthetic, or having an extra $7-8 per oil change in your bank account?


I'm on the side of synthetic honestly, since I'd most likely buy a convential that costs about $14-15 for 5 quarts, while the synthetics I use tend to cost around $20-24 for 5 quarts.


Hope that helps.




P.s. It's probably about the equivalent of buying your gasoline from a shell station vs. an off-brand. Over time, the extra detergents in the shell oil MAY help avoid deposits. But would you hesitate to buy off-brand gas?

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If your using a 4000 mile oci than whatever 5w30 or 5w40 is on sale will work fine. I use castrol 0w30 in the winter and 5w40 in the summer. Some people have turbo failures ect changing every 3000 miles on synthetic. Other people run 5000+ on conventional and do fine.
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"Think With Your Dipstick, Jimmy!"..........My 2cents-Castrol Edge.;)


I work with a bunch of 20-30 year old "teenagers". They saw that commercial and immediately commenced slapping everyone/thing with dipsticks. :rolleyes:


OT... I run mobil 1 5w30 in my GT and Royal Purple in my motorcycle. Used to run RP also in my 02 Impreza. 90k miles when I traded it and the internals were clean and shiny, and I beat the piss out of that car. Never did an oil analysis though...

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