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Got in a minor accident today, no visual damage tho...

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I never said a speed did I? I said it was slow, but still felt like there should be more damage than occurred. Now, if you had simply come in and said, if there no visual damage, you should be alright, then that would be fine. But no, you decided to have some fun with it.
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you decided to have some fun with it.

Exactly dude. Don't get all butthurt about it bro. We're just having some fun, if you can't handle some innocent razzing then I suggest you stay off of the internet boards. ;)

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He's only averaging 15 posts a day. I could go post whore the boards and triple that average.


BTW, LGT-NY, love the profile pic :icon_bigg

:cool: Hell yeah bro, you know how I do. :D Fat butts FTMFW!

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Exactly dude. Don't get all butthurt about it bro. We're just having some fun, if you can't handle some innocent razzing then I suggest you stay off of the internet boards. ;)


Oh, Im fine with the fun. I would like somewhat of a decent answer tho.

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OK, your car is FINE. If the shitty ass Subaru paint didn't even smudge, then what makes you thin there will be some sort of internal damage? Don't be a hypochondriac bro, wash the bumper and see if there's any paint damage, if so, then file a claim and have it painted, if not, wash the sand out of your vag and go about your day. :lol:
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OK, your car is FINE. If the shitty ass Subaru paint didn't even smudge, then what makes you thin there will be some sort of internal damage? Don't be a hypochondriac bro, wash the bumper and see if there's any paint damage, if so, then file a claim and have it painted, if not, wash the sand out of your vag and go about your day. :lol:


There is no need for this.


You can be funny at times, but there is no need to verbally abuse members, even if it's "all in good fun". It may be fun for you (and others) but not the OP, why not just respect that and move on?


Mindspin: Same thing happened to my car within 1 week of ownership. Car was rear-ended at low speed, no paint damage. This was over two years ago and the car has been fine.

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There is no need for this.


You can be funny at times, but there is no need to verbally abuse members, even if it's "all in good fun". It may be fun for you (and others) but not the OP, why not just respect that and move on?


thanks dad :rolleyes::lol::lol:


To the OP, your car is totally fine. You gotta expect the jokes when you post up something like this. Believe me if you were in a real accident nobody would be teasing you.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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There is no need for this.


You can be funny at times, but there is no need to verbally abuse members, even if it's "all in good fun". It may be fun for you (and others) but not the OP, why not just respect that and move on?

Oh, I didn't realize you got promoted to Mod, congratulations. Thanks for the advice, I'll take that under consideration. :)

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It's not about being a mod or not. I wouldn't want that job. However, I believe in trying to be a positive member of the community and not berating a member for asking a serious question and being frustrated with sarcastic, unhelpful responses.


There are plenty of threads where the OT guys can clown around all day and make dick and fart jokes. Why not keep it there, where people will play along?

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It's not about being a mod or not. I wouldn't want that job. However, I believe in trying to be a positive member of the community and not berating a member for asking a serious question and being frustrated with sarcastic, unhelpful responses.


There are plenty of threads where the OT guys can clown around all day and make dick and fart jokes. Why not keep it there, where people will play along?


why not just mind you're own business?


I'd think the guy can gauge from the repsonses that if people are joking with him that he's got no serious damage

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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If the OP had a legitimate question, I would have been more than happy to answer it with a legitimate response. However, IMO, this is a silly question/thread. Look at my posts UD, I help out people ALL THE TIME in On Topic threads and offer plenty of technical advice. I also enjoy a good joke, and will certainly give a n00b a hard time if it's warranted.


Your entitled to your opinion, and I respect that (and you) but if you think I'm that out of line, report my post and let the mods sort it out.


That's all.



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Yeah, aren't you like 40 or something? Funny that a 26 year old would have to remind the general public to have a modicum of respect.


I'm nowhere near 40 where'd you get that from?

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Yeah, aren't you like 40 or something? Funny that a 26 year old would have to remind the general public to have a modicum of respect.


not only that but you're saying a 26 year old like that's a child, like you're 16 or something. I got news for you, you're a grown up adult

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Am I the good guy in this thread? :lol:


there's a first :lol:




to the OP there is nothing wrong with your car but if you feel the need get it checked out. btw please stop with the profanity i realize there is a swear filter but all this does is stir the pot. thanks

Stay Stock Stay Happy
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So traffic stopped up some this morning and I was hit from behind. No visual damage other than the marks in the road grime on my car. Paint was still in tact.


I have the guy's insurance information and contact info, so Im not too concerned about that. Im more worried about what may have happened under the bumper.


A quick visual check and I didnt see anything bad, but you never know. So I take it to a shop and have them pull the bumper off and take a look?


Couple years ago I was sitting at a light on a highway at the bottom of a long hill and got rear ended by a 4Runner. Saw him coming. He hit the brakes when he appeared right on top of me. The impact felt pretty hard. He hit me dead center on the rear bumper with the left corner of his front bumper (he was skidding partly sideways when he hit me). I expected to see my bumper up against the rear wheels but there was no visible damage at all. His front bumper was badly dented. He must have been within a few feet of stopping when he hit me but it was a pretty good whack. I did check the exhaust and it was fine, and there were no other problems. So these cars can take a hit.

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Wow that's weird...you rear bumper KO'd the 4Runners's front bumper? While you took no damage?


Yeah I think they do design the rear bumper to take more damage and to not crumple like the front ends.


Better to not report it if no damage anyway because the vulture insurance companies will just use that as an excuse to raise your rates even if you are NOT the at-fault driver in an accident.

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