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Touch up paint

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I got the factory touch up paint in satin white pearl... it was OK but it's darn hard to match up anything 'pearl' with a nail-paint brush anyway.


THey should have told me to refrdgerate it for a few minutes before applying it.

First time I tried it was like smearing water across the scratch.

When its colder, it keeps the colours all together better, and will stick where you want it.


I only use it for rock chips now. Nothing more substantial.

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I went yesterday to pick up touch up paint at the dealer and they told me they needed to order it. Why would they need to order it why not keep some in stock? Also the order time is about three weeks. After the parts guy told me that i told him have a good day.
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when my friend had her bumper replaced she noticed the same thing, and her dad explained the whole situation about the car paint fading.


they're probably a "couple shades off" because the paint on your car has already faded from normal exposure to the sun. so the touch up paint is probably your car's "true shade" so to speak. so whenever you bring your car to a body shop to be repaired, they will try to "blend" the paint as best they can, which means that they might have to sand the area around the damaged area and repaint just so the paint will be uniform throughout.

2006 SWP 3.0R 5EAT VDC BBQ


2008 OBP 2.5i 4EAT BBQ [RIP]

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I've found the paint for DGM to be pretty good. You definitely have to shake the can A LOT to get the color right. I've used it primarily for rock chips, and with the right process, you can make them disappear.


1. prep site - I mostly just clean it and dry it thoroughly

2. shake applicator can for 2 minutes. Seriously.

3. apply first coat - I lightly apply the first coat just inside the borders of the chip.

4. 24 hours

5. apply second coat - I overapply on the second coat

6. 24 hours

7. Once the second coat is dry, I use either 2200 grit wet sandpaper or a dremel polisher with Meguire's Scratch X. I polish until the over application of paint is almost gone.

8. I finish by hand-applying the Meguire's Scratch X until I can no longer find the spot, even in reflected light.

9. Then I apply protectant and wax to the whole area.

Ich bin echt viel netter, wenn ich nuechtern bin. Echt!
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Thanks for all the info everyone.


I went yesterday to pick up touch up paint at the dealer and they told me they needed to order it. Why would they need to order it why not keep some in stock? Also the order time is about three weeks. After the parts guy told me that I told him have a good day.


One of the dealers I called said they needed my VIN even though I told them the exact color. I went to another dealer and the guy at the counter turned around grabbed a bottle and handed it to me. It says Garnet Red Pear right on the bottle. I looked at the rack he got it from and there were only two shades of red.


when my friend had her bumper replaced she noticed the same thing, and her dad explained the whole situation about the car paint fading.


they're probably a "couple shades off" because the paint on your car has already faded from normal exposure to the sun. so the touch up paint is probably your car's "true shade" so to speak. so whenever you bring your car to a body shop to be repaired, they will try to "blend" the paint as best they can, which means that they might have to sand the area around the damaged area and repaint just so the paint will be uniform throughout.

I figured that it would be off a little because of that. In the past I've had touch up jobs look pretty obvious. I applied a few coats today and it matched fairly well. It will probably blend nicely once I color sand and buff.

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