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About jonklein611

  • Birthday 12/16/1986

Personal Information

  • Location
    Moon Twp. PA / Erie PA
  • Car
    2011 WRX Limited
  • Interests
    Auto Xing, photography, music, computers
  • Occupation


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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. I know it's a long shot, but anyone know of a set? Been searching and haven't had much luck.
  2. Some Subaru sites frown upon asking about vacations.
  3. Yes I can see they go into the past, but I'm looking for newer stuff. 2009, 2010, even if someone has gotten a vacation in the first few weeks of 2011.
  4. All I saw were pics with a 2008 WRX, things have changed since then. But thanks for a base comparison for 2011 pix.
  5. Any vacation love for us WRX owners?
  6. Anyone have part numbers for a rear strut tower bar for the wagons?
  7. Wow that looks good with LEDS, def brighter!
  8. ? Noticed you've changed calipers a few times. I've searched but don't find the exact answer.

    My BD (97) needs a new caliper, one place I use has 97 Impreza and a 98 Legacy (not GT) available. Which will work?



  9. Yes the AC will light up, but not in the defrost positions.
  10. Thanks for the info! Might have to upgrade, as I just had one burn out again.... grrrr
  11. Is it sad I noticed the IR gear before the car???
  12. bahahhahhaahha fingerbang is what kenny?? no way that can't be...
  13. And then you have people taking street legal subarus and turning them into quads.... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoghfzWrNbs]YouTube - STI ATV[/ame]
  14. made with tires from the alaska pipeline trucks
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