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Hangin it sideways

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Ohh last weekend I was pulling on to main street in my small home town from a side street. Put it in first and as I was pulling out floored it and had it hanging sideways spinning tires as my headlights practically shined back onto the road i had come from. Felt sooo good. Thats it not much more to the story. At least for me any vehicle i drive it takes a little while to acclimate to its handling characteristics (how its been with my motorcycles, jetboat, snowmobile etc...) before I feel comfortable to purpousely get "squirrly" so to speak. In about a month and a half Ive now put just under 2000 miles on my car and after going home to CT from RI and back this weekend I should be over.






just kidding...


but once i get the cash want to add a few things as well as go STG I with a catback (Megan or SPT)

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so wheres the pics?


























and 1 of the owner



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didnt they say a while back that this kind of talk is a confession to wreckless driving and enforceable by the law?




I've only had 1 event involving moving sideways (thats my story and I'm stickin to it.) and it involved rain, and pulling out before realizing someone was barreling down on me and gunning it halfway through the turn.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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didnt they say a while back that this kind of talk is a confession to wreckless driving and enforceable by the law?




I've only had 1 event involving moving sideways (thats my story and I'm stickin to it.) and it involved rain, and pulling out before realizing someone was barreling down on me and gunning it halfway through the turn.


they dont condone street racing on this site, havent heard anything about testing the performance of tires/suspension. I wasnt speeding or racing anybody... mods can weigh in but the police im not worried about it. Like my local 3 or 4 cops in town are cruising this board.... or even know what town in CT I am via the listing on the side....I wanted to confirm my bilstein suspension was performing properly...


yeahhhhh thats it

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How much did mom and dad pay for that car?




its my college graduation present. I totaled my Chrysler reaching for a pack of camels on a sunday afternoon, not racing or drinking or anything like that, could have happened to anybody... so they got me it early, after I rode my motorcycle up here at school into november. they didnt think it was safe for me to keep riding on the sandy roads all winter, especially on the highway. My dad has done reasonably well so my brother (already graduated) and I both get a car for graduation so that we have something relatively new and suitable for buisness when we take control of all our own expenses and having to spend money to keep transportation running wont be an issue till we have been working for a few years. Im as thankful as can be and take it as a huge privlage, not something he owes me. granted if he got one for my brother and not for me id ask why but its his money if he wants to use some of it to provide for me as long as I apreciate the privlage (something my parents instilled in me at a young age) then i see nothing wrong with it...


not saying you are or arent saying im spoiled for getting it as a gift; but my dad has always done well and sometimes historically ive found hard to to show people your not a spoiled brat just because he has provided you with nice things... And trust me i dont take it personally cause the celebrity paris hilton worshiping sector of my generation seems to embrace no respect for anything or anyone and flash/popularity over modesty

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Try not wreck it :lol:



yeah was a little more than was looking to pay but it was there, only had 26,000 miles, and was pretty much in flawless condition. Was limited to a subie dealer so a 100K mile warranty is a possibility, and wanted black leather with 5MT, so Here in New England that car was sparce and dealers werent going much below 19,000 for 05s with 50,000 miles and no factory warranty left... Ive still got another 7000 miles on stock warranty in case SHTF (shit hits the fan) or shits the bed, whatever your preference of word choice


that was my first accident in my 6 years of legal road travel... did about 50K miles a year in highschool and maybe 40 during last 3 years of college with nothing but after having my lisence for 6 weeks, i was turing around at night in the rain and fog at my buddy tylers house and tapped a tree with the rear bumper of my truck at like .5mph and dented it. I think its a pretty good track record.


I went to highschool like 15-25 minutes away all back roads up and down hills andit was a boarding school but i commuted so they never canceled class and I drove to school every day in crappy weather... I still consider myself a good driver, everybody F's up at least once. how many people here havenever been in an accident?

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its my college graduation present. I totaled my Chrysler reaching for a pack of camels on a sunday afternoon, not racing or drinking or anything like that, could have happened to anybody... so they got me it early, after I rode my motorcycle up here at school into november. they didnt think it was safe for me to keep riding on the sandy roads all winter, especially on the highway. My dad has done reasonably well so my brother (already graduated) and I both get a car for graduation so that we have something relatively new and suitable for buisness when we take control of all our own expenses and having to spend money to keep transportation running wont be an issue till we have been working for a few years. Im as thankful as can be and take it as a huge privlage, not something he owes me. granted if he got one for my brother and not for me id ask why but its his money if he wants to use some of it to provide for me as long as I apreciate the privlage (something my parents instilled in me at a young age) then i see nothing wrong with it...


not saying you are or arent saying im spoiled for getting it as a gift; but my dad has always done well and sometimes historically ive found hard to to show people your not a spoiled brat just because he has provided you with nice things... And trust me i dont take it personally cause the celebrity paris hilton worshiping sector of my generation seems to embrace no respect for anything or anyone and flash/popularity over modesty


You have a good attitude, Brother. Nice to hear it. You seem like you have your shit together....I can tell you that I will most certainly take care of my kids with things if they are well behaved, responsible and make good grades.


Your psyched...nice car. Keep it clean and maintained. Where are you going to school?

Rehab is for quitters.
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You have a good attitude, Brother. Nice to hear it. You seem like you have your shit together....I can tell you that I will most certainly take care of my kids with things if they are well behaved, responsible and make good grades.


Your psyched...nice car. Keep it clean and maintained. Where are you going to school?


Im a senior at Bryant University. Yeah im real psyched about the car. luckily theres a "pay and spray" self car wash like 5 minutes away so i try to wash it often. I bought a real nice custom fitted car cover for it so during the week when im not leaving campus for a few days i try to keep it covered (mostly concerned with preventick nics and scratches from car doors and people walking by with backpacks/jackets with things like buckles and zippers on them... So far so good. Luckily a lot of kids (some of them the spoiled brats i talked about earlier) have a lot nicer cars than I have so i dont worry about anybody F'ing with it because its covered. Escalades and H2s with rims, BMW 6 series coupes, and the ocasional SL55 V12 AMG kompressor, a spec.B doesnt stand out even with a grey cover on it

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Nice....Shame on the parent who buy their kids Escalades and Hummers...and SL55? WTF?


The Subie is perfect.


yeah agreed its a little much, but there are some really really rich people here, from other countries and stuff too. One of my friends is from turkey and his father owns like 13 coal mining facilities in turkey. Freshman year after moving his son in they went out and bought him an Infinity FX45 with the 20" infinity chromes, navigation/backup screen etc...


but yeah they Subaru is a great car. I had a choice in it just within a set budget... they paid 20,000 for my brothers A4 when he graduated so with inflation and such i had 22,000, i kicked in the other 3 myself.


far as im concerned total investment 3000 dollars for a car with half the miles and the stuff that comes with Spec.b was a good investment on my part. I was going to buy a garmin navigation system anyhow so i got that in the car instead, I think the red seats look awesome, I like the 18s so i will just buy a used set of cheap 17s or something for winter, and the bilstein suspension seems just right for me, Holds tight but not so much that it feels like a rough ride. and all that extra HP in the spec.b...... Just kidding

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Rich people.....If I had Bill Gates money I still wouldn't shell out that kind of coin on my son's car....


Good for you takin in account inflation...Business school guy.


ha ha yep, sales and business is bred in me and business school just heightened it. My mothers father was in business/sales all his life and my father has been in sales/sales management for most all of his carer

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Cool...Sales is great. plenty of money for those who wnat to work hard and be compensated for it. The harder you work the better you will do. I love it. Keep up the good work, brother and good things will happen.



Rehab is for quitters.
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