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Prestone defroster in a can

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A few weeks ago at a ski area, while I was scraping ice off my windows, I sorta halfway noticed a guy with a bright yellow spray can a couple parking spaces away. Scrape, scrape, scrape... Psssssssssht... And then, speaking to nobody in particular, the guy says, "holy s**t, this stuff works HELLA GOOD." I didn't even look over, I just thought it was funny the way he said it.


I happened to notice a can of Prestone defroster stuff at a car parts store a few days later so I bought it out of curiosity. Threw it in the back of my car, and forgot about it. It usually only takes a minute to scrape the frost off my car when I done snowboarding, and I only get a light coat of frost once or twice a week, so I've still been doing it the old fashioned way.


Fast-forward to this morning. My GF gets up a couple hours earlier than I do, I go back to sleep, she comes back a little while later and begs me to help her defrost her car. She said she'd been at it for 15 minutes straight and her arms were too tired to scrape any more. She just needed the back window done and she'd be on her way.


I grabbed the Prestone from my car on the way out. Her back window was covered with solid coat of frost except for a couple scratches she'd made. "OK," I said, "I've never used this stuff before, but I heard it's pretty good." Pssssssssht. And 75% of her back window was clear. Poof. Just like that. No scraping. I went over the window with the scraper out of curiousity but it was mostly just wet. Not icy.


It was cold I was wanted to get back to sleep, so I didn't check whether the stuff heated up as it left the can, or whether it was purely a chemical thing. But the guy in the parking lot was right, that stuff works "hella good."

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I'm gonna stop-off after work to get some today. :)


Our cars are always garaged/decked, but it'll make for a good item when we go shopping, etc., and the car's out.


Thanks for the recommendation! :D

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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I used that stuff a few years ago. Worked great.


One problem though. I typically left the can in the car.... just makes sense. Well I had the can freeze up on me and wouldn't work....... :rolleyes: I stopped buying it after that. If I can't keep it in the car then it's useless to me since my car is garaged when I am home.

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^ Is the can frozen, or just the nozzle?


Typically, it's the nozzle that's the problem - but then again, you're probably seeing *much* colder temperatures up there that what I'm used to! :)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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^ Is the can frozen, or just the nozzle?


Typically, it's the nozzle that's the problem - but then again, you're probably seeing *much* colder temperatures up there that what I'm used to! :)



I am fairly sure it was the nozzle (it was a few years back). In any event it didn't work... so I didn't care what was frozen. I am pretty sure that stuff is alcohol based so I doubt the stuff would freeze.


I miss my heated washer nozzles and heated headlight cleaners from my Audi. Very handly up here.


That's about all I miss....... :)

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^ Yikes! Noted! I'll inspect regularly! Thanks for the tip!


Remember, no smoking ;)


^ No worries! I think my SureFires can probably get hot enough to un-freeze the nozzle. :lol: That's also another reason why I've elected to keep the factory death-stick lighter intact. It's handy for scaring passengers, etc. :p


And though I don't smoke, I've always had a decent lighter in the car - my Windmill Delta in the console compartment. The trunk carries a "Ultimate Survival Delux Toolkit," which has a BlastMatch and waterproof tinders.


Come to think of it, maybe I should just set my car on fire, and call it "defrosted?"



<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Another good use that I am sure a few of you will object to is the sprays ability to remove scuff marks on the paint. You know, the ones that you use your finger nail on. Just spray a little of the defroster on a paper towel, remove the paint scuff, and then wash the area (or the entire car).
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It was cold I was wanted to get back to sleep, so I didn't check whether the stuff heated up as it left the can, or whether it was purely a chemical thing. But the guy in the parking lot was right, that stuff works "hella good."



I have been using this stuff for years and will never scrape ice off a window again......so worth it to buy in bulk if you live where there is a lot of snow/ice/frost/whatnot! :lol:

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Wait a minute. You live with your girlfriend? And you're not married? *Gasp*


No, you've got it all wrong.

What kind of person do you think I am????

How dare you.

I live with my wife.

I just spend the weekends with my girlfriend.

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Coming off work today I couldn't believe it but there was WATER all over my car. Musta rained or something; being in the bay area it happens sometimes.


Prestone oughtta make a birdpoop spray remover, that's the main environmental challenge here. ;)

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