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Our horn SUCKS!!!!

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I always thought that our horn sucked, but I never realized how much until it caused an accident. Heres the story:

I was driving in NYC on 2nd ave and I was stopped at a red light with a car in front of me. There was an 18 wheeler in the parking spots along the left. As the light turned green the car ahead of me began to move and the truck started driving out. I couldn't go anywhere because I was blocked in on all sides. I kept honking, but the driver didn't hear our stupid tinny horn. Long story short he drove into my car and messed it up. I don't need a crazy horn, but just one that can be heard over an 18 wheelers engine. Why the hell would subaru put such a shitty horn in our cars. :mad::mad:



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Get some Hella Supertones.


:whore::whore::whore::whore:i have the hella supertones and the stock hooked up. loud as he!!

History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid

People sleep peacefully at night cause rough men stand ready to do violence on there behalf

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