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About 1-3-2-4

  • Birthday 11/27/1984

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  • Location
    Greenwich, CT
  • Car
    2005 LGT sedan RBP 5MT
  • Interests
    Cars!! photography!
  • Occupation
    Video Editing, Filming


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  1. Yeah I tried to take the door card off but for some reason I had a hard time trying to finally get it off something near the inside door latch.
  2. Little update is no more CEL codes but I changed both front and rear sensors plus the MAF sensor but I think I could of got by on not having to change that.
  3. Finally got it fixed but what is the reason why I can't open the door from the outside but the inside it works fine?
  4. I’ve had this on my LGT but this happened on my wife’s car so it won’t open from the outside but will open from the inside.. however she put the child lock on and now can’t get the door open at all.. is all hope lost?
  5. Ok so The only code that came back is the p0171 and now the new code under load was the p0301 and p0303
  6. Still stuck on this
  7. O2s bank 1 sensor 1 is the upstream? This is a ‘05 legacy i the reading is just stuck on 2.798v which I think is full lean?
  8. So for some reason the drivers side door stopped locking and unlocking with the remote but the other doors work with the keyfob and the door switch.. However the drivers side window does not work I don't think I ever recalled having an issue on any windows or the motors? Nor have I heard of issues with the switch panel on the door?
  9. So it’s causing my CEL to come on in my wife’s car codes: P1718 P0700 Anyone know what these codes are/mean?
  10. Damn I screwed up I hooked dimmer lillum- to the head unit so turning on the headlights didn’t do anything to the radio brightness. Nor did turning the dial.. so the solid orange has to get to the purple of the factory harness it seems. I don’t need dash brightness just for the head unit to dim when the lights are on.
  11. I remember that from my LGT but I didn't see any.. now I heard they are up under the dash on the drivers side which I'm going to check in a few.
  12. I heard is was to be left not connected but just use the orange/white wire.. I can’t remember how I did it on my LGT or other Subaru’s lol I’m getting old.
  13. I know the car has green test connectors on the side driver side dash in the panel but anything else under the dash? My service manual is on my desktop of packed away.
  14. I guess that means it’s rated ok for CA.
  15. If I’m looking at the sticker right this is a CA emissions car?
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