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More hardships for Tommypenguin

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As for the lady, it ain't nothing serious, she goes to school in boulder but comes down on the weekend. Its a long distance type deal and I actually have time for that. ;) Though I didn't hang out with her over the weekend. My best friend is still in the hospital though and until he gets out I will be to preoccupied for anything more than a weekend relationship. He hasn't been able to eat now in 15 days.


As for the ticket that totally blows man, you are now the 4th colorado member in a month span to get a ticket. I think the police have a vendetta against lgt.com. They got our car's pictures on America's Most Wanted or something. As for getting out of the ticket, good luck. Its his word against yours, not to mention the time away from work, etc. Did you just get the red light ticket or did you get no front license plate and tint tickets also?

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Damn dude, i feel your pain so much. I totally paniced after my second ticket, I put my upgraded turbo up for sale, comtemplated going to stock for about a half a day. Then I came to and realized, I have to be even more careful. Lately I've been driving the speed limit, rarely even 5 over. The only time I get a thrill from my car is when I get onto the highway and I can see no cops in sight. Tragic, be careful old saying that bad things like this happens in 3's. How fast were you going?
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The one I just got was while I was on my way to the muffler shop. My car was SILENT....up untill a few hours ago.



both tickets combined is only $177 + the court fees for both will be under $250 total




1 PA ticket would have been $300+

(Updated 8/22/17)

2005 Outback FMT

Running on Electrons

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I'm a bit surpised you got both tickets being w/o having an exhaust in such a short period of time for doing 15mph over. Were you the only one, or were you picked off keeping up with traffic? How loud is your exhaust now? Just be careful you would not believe how much more attention I get from the police with my perrin cbe, I'm putting on stock mufflers asap.
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Legacy GT's most wanted list:)










Something tells me that someone tipped off the cops to the hot hot legacys (and hawt hawt obxt). I know 4 of you drive daily on the roads I drive on daily and 2 have a similar color I think I may be slowing down a bit, or just rethinking exhaust.:rolleyes:



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I think you are right about someone tipping off about the Legacy's.


"Those Subaru Legacy's are FASTER than the WRX's."

"Oh, then we must look and catch them as well."


I DO get second looks now from the cops just cruising by. I used to just pass by them going 15 over and they never cared before.

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I DO get second looks now from the cops just cruising by. I used to just pass by them going 15 over and they never cared before.



I know exactly what you mean, i get tailed a lot more since I've had my exhaust by the police where i used to just blend into sububia oblivion to them. Guys in colorado learn from our tickets, there is enough here in one month to last a regional forum a lifetime.

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Speaking of which, do cops typically go for the leader or the follower? I've heard follower, but maybe it's 50/50.



I would probably say more the leader than the follower....


This was a long time ago when I was a little guy....but I remember when I was driving back home from Montana with my mom and two of her friends (total of 3 cars)...The cop pulled all three over, and wrote tickets for both my moms friends who were the first two cars and then just let my mom go with no ticket cause he said she was just following the speed of traffic

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MAN!! I was in the middle of a pack of a lot of cars, front back and to the right with no one in the left lane, and the cop chose me! I think the cop just chooses whoever they want.

Exactly. Though they weigh a few factors:

How fast or modded it looks or sounds.

Whichever one they got on radar/laser or actually paced (its much harder to get the whole group unless you get a car passing)

If they can see the driver, they'll pick based on that.

Plates (Illinois plates in Wisconsin will always be the one to get nailed)

Ease to pull over, a motorcycle, for example, can often run successfully.



Oh and for anyone who gets a ticket, ease of fighting from hardest to easiest:

laser -- to beat a laser ticket you either have to convince the judge the laser was inaccurate, which is extremely hard because judges think they're infallable, or that the cop screwed up/is lying

radar -- see laser, except judges don't trust them nearly as much. Huge number of interference sources on these. Prosecutors get pissed when cops use radar in a laser equiped car (when not moving and in good weather consitions)

VASCAR/timing -- Basically like radar but easier to enter the human element. These are extremely easy to fight in CA though, because they are an illegal speed trap ;)

pacing -- these are actually quite hard to fight because the officer has to somehow prove there was no gain in distance and that it was done accurately. Need to ahve a calibrated speedo (calibration can also be fought if not recent because of tire wear, air pressure and more, as long as its close).

aircraft -- These care the crap out of me, but really shouldn't. They are by far the hardest to prove. They either have all the elements of pacing or VASACR, combined with unique problems. In Minnesota (standards vary by state) two officers must testify. The person who timed you and the cop who pulled you over. Plus they have to somehow show that you were the car clocked, which is exteremly hard if they lose sight of you.


Oh and read the statute there are so many things needed to prove a case.

In Minnesota (this only applies to MN, but many of teh concepts apply elsewhere):

State has to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt (this is actually rare)

If assigned a referree (a non-judge who decides the case), you ahve the absolute right to have a real judge assigned. Also, you can appeal to a real judge. No one will tell you this though

Have to prove:

You were going 1 mph over the limit (for a straight speed, they only have to prove you were speeding. Fine Schedules are not statutory, the maximum fine for all straight speeds in $300+ fees in MN, the assigned speed doesn't matter if its under that. The only places they ahve to prove any other speed is 10 over in a 55or60 -- no points--, 20 over --fine doubles, max of 600+ fees --, 100+ -- license suspended).

The speed limit. In urban areas with a properly posted limit this is easy to prove. In an urban area, your only hope is signage issues -- posted speed limits in MN cities are absolute limits. If charged with a speed below the limit or in a non-urban area, you can actually call into question the speed limit. This is much easier done in a situation where they claimed the safe speed was below the posted limit, but can be done in both circumstances.

The insturments were calibrated. Review these records and note all serial numbers. I have seen cases where radar tuning fork serial numbers don't match the record sheet. Any inconsitancy might get the case tossed. Most states have very specific rules for the entering of all this evidence. Find it and read it.

That venue is right (you were pulled over in xx city, xx county, xx state).

You were driving. This is normally an easy hurdle, but there is an infamous case in MN where someone had a smart lawyer. With judges permission (which would be extremely hard to get), they sat a random 3rd party in the defendants chair. When the cop ID'ed the person in that chair, the case was toast.


Remember also that the cop is only working off his notes and does not remember you. Exploit this. The only exception is if you do something to piss him off. Then he will ecrtain remember everything and you will be screwed. Don't ever mouth off to a cop giving you a ticket unless you want to pay it. Arguments aboiut the validity of the ticket is for a judge, not the cop. Howeve,r thsi does not mean you should let him search your car. Without probable cause, he cannot serach your car. Speeding is not probable cause. Also if he has PC he likely won't ask you. Its also technically unlawful to detain you until a dog arrives. He can only really detain you as long as writing a ticket should take. Hard to prove? Yes.


Always go in for your tickets. Why? Because getting a 1st ticket resolved without going on your record is by far the easiest then. It gets much harder further on. If you racked up enough tickets on your record to get to the point your license is in danger, no prosecutor or judge in the world will give you a break. Its not about the fine, its about the record and insurance.


Oh and wear a goddamn suit. Seriously. if you can't wear a suit, don't wear a wifebeater. Showing respect for the court makes the prosecutor like you and makes the judge like you. Oh speaking of respect, its "your honor."


/I did some things in the past I'm not proud of. And no, I didn't rack up a bunch of speeding tickets. ;)


//This is for a discussion on speed limits only. Not legal advice, thats for a member of your state's bar after a proper consultation.


///The easiest way to avoid a ticket is to not speed. Yeah, no one, inculding me does it, but its true. 99.99% of cops don't falsify records or make radar errors. Oh and if you have a CDL or will lose your job witha ticket, that will be the prosecutor's answer. They don't care because quite frankly, it doesn't matter for the offense. Its like saying you should get let off on assualt because it will get you deported. Not gonna happen. If ist this important and you do get a ticket, hire a damn lawyer.


A note on radar detectors:

They work, for radar (laser dectection is next to useless). Note however, that only good radar detectors are useful. Escort, V1, bel. if its not one of these, its a speeding ticket detector for any difficult situation (low power radar, instant on, etc). Note that is is not a cop dtector and you very much can be caught. And a radar detector will make it impossible to get a deal from teh cop and much harder to get a deal from the prosecutor.

Also, if you really want protection. Get a trucking scanner witha close call function. Digital if states you drive in need it. With close call and PDS, it can be a cop detector (if you're lucky -- I've definitly gotten ccs a few minutes before a cop running full on K band). It will make it easier to locate cops running laser, VASCAR, and most importantly, aircraft.


Wow, that was a long essay. Honestly, i have little sympathy for urban speeders doing 15 or more over except in some locations with very low limits.

However, rural limits should almost never be 55 and most non-urban freeways should not even have limits.

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