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Subaru Just Fired it's Ad Agency


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I would not be surprised to see an Imprezza begin to migrate up to where a Legacy is now, I think the extra size is the beginning. Next comes upgrading the cabin to close if not equal to Legacy.


I think the other poster is correct, the Legacy will get made over to be slightly bigger and a bit more quality inside.


Both Toyota and Honda state this as part of their strategy, keep selling Camrys and Accords to folks who, as they get older what bigger / better - real or perceived better.


BTW, a curretn Corolla is about as big as my '87 Camry, the current Camry is a boat. IMHO.


For those that want the competitor to the A4 / 3 Series, it may be an Imprezza, but, not the one from last year.


Again, MHO.

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BTW, a curretn Corolla is about as big as my '87 Camry, the current Camry is a boat. IMHO.


I agree with you, but not necessarily good evidence. In the 80's all the cars were smaller. The drastic change from 80's to now does not provide evidence that there will be a continued change in size in the same direction. Although, I'm not disagreeing with you, I just find your evidence unconvincing. The cars in the 80's were smaller because they were still small from the 70's gas issues. Ironically, we are in another gas issue era, however we seem to be responding differently. All that being said, I hope they make the Legacy bigger. I would LOVE it!

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Another theory of mine, is that SOA marketing likes to slowly "evolve" car lines. A debatable point is whether an Outback is still a Legacy or not.


A recent R&T, looked at the new WRX as being a stronger competitor to the EVO, many here like to compare the Legacy to the EVO and see the Imprezza as below these cars.


My point? We'll have to wait and see, I've no better insight than anyone else. A bigger Legacy and, nicer Imprezza just might attract more volume overall - to the dismay of many who like things as they are now.

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