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Next time you think about racing on the street.......

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yeah but nobody made him drive it like that. I agree it's not the best idea to get a kid that car.


Very powerful video. I agree about kids getting fast cars. Luckily more cars were not in that accident.

I'm probably the only person that has Wu-Tang Clan and Paul McCartney on their mp3.:p
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i hate this kind of generalization about all teenagers. i got a wrx when i turned 17 and i am alive because of that car.


after 7 months i was t-boned on the passenger side by some moron driving an SUV that ran a redlight going about 45 mph. he spun me around into oncoming traffic and i was hit again, this time on the drivers side by someone going about 40 mph. i remember waking up surrounded by about 10 people telling me not to move and that the fire dept was on there way. i had to sit and wait while the fire dept cut me out of the car and they all just kept saying that i was lucky to be alive. i was taken to the hospital and after some tests i was able to walk out of the hospital that night.


some people are just more mature than others, so please dont make that generalization about all teenagers.

Don't take it personal. We all know there are good and bad drivers of all ages. I don't doubt you were or still are a good save driver but statistics show that younger less experienced drivers cause the most accidents. This is why some insurance companies will not insure drivers under a certain age. I treat all drivers the same. WHEN ON THE ROAD, I TRUST NON OF YOU!! :icon_mad:

I'm probably the only person that has Wu-Tang Clan and Paul McCartney on their mp3.:p
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Thats also my point. Hindsight is 20/20, but I guess if this influences even one kid to drive more safetly it is a good thing.



Shocking kids with grandiose messages seems to be the only thing that works nowadays... like having a paraplegic kid wheel himself into a packed school gym and tell everyone how he killed his girlfriend in a drunken car accident on prom night...



and sometimes even stuff like that is forgotten soon after.

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after watching this video...I am definitely passing it on to some of my friends. To some of you above. It doesn't matter what kind of car you are driving out there, a Subaru, Merc, BMW....etc etc....If you drive irresponsibly, the same can happen to you. Check out www.wreckedexotic.com some time. It will just be the same no matter what you drive


You are so right about that statement!!!!

Some time it’s the other drivers around you have to look out for, there are a lot of assho*e out there on the roads today.

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after watching this video...I am definitely passing it on to some of my friends. To some of you above. It doesn't matter what kind of car you are driving out there, a Subaru, Merc, BMW....etc etc....If you drive irresponsibly, the same can happen to you. Check out www.wreckedexotic.com some time. It will just be the same no matter what you drive

:whore: Thank you, I just dont understand the mentality of this forum sometime.

Semper Fi.
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Shocking kids with grandiose messages seems to be the only thing that works nowadays... like having a paraplegic kid wheel himself into a packed school gym and tell everyone how he killed his girlfriend in a drunken car accident on prom night...



and sometimes even stuff like that is forgotten soon after.



sad but true....the only thing that will make people stand up and listen is shock value......we as a society seem to be immune to most things, unless it is overly shocking, terrible etc etc........

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