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What the ****?!?!?!?!?!?!

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I havent even made it to 1k miles on my new LGT and some stupid **** head just ****ed up my rear bumper and tail light!!!!!!! I was sitting at a red light and the retard behind me in his nissan frontier pickup tries to get out of the straight lane and go across the turn lane to the gas station on the corner of the intersection and in the process the front drivers side corner of his truck drives into the passenger side rear of my car! Thank deus he only hit the bumper and tail light and not any of the metal but WTF, I dont even have plates on my car yet!!!!!! I am so pissed!!!



^ n00bs below this line
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luckily it's just cosmetic damage, and a new bumper and light should fix it (and whatever parts under the bumper that need fixing).


I got hit in the same spot in an even lamer accident. My car was parked in my in-laws driveway and a guy delivering flowers pulled into the driveway and drove into my car.



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luckily it's just cosmetic damage, and a new bumper and light should fix it (and whatever parts under the bumper that need fixing).


I got hit in the same spot in an even lamer accident. My car was parked in my in-laws driveway and a guy delivering flowers pulled into the driveway and drove into my car.


How much was your estimate? I want to have a ballpark when I go in to Amato's on monday.

^ n00bs below this line
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How much was your estimate? I want to have a ballpark when I go in to Amato's on monday.


All said and done mine was ~$1700. That replaced the bumper skin, and all the components behind it. You have a taillight that needs replacing which should add a couple hundred more dollars to it. I took mine to one of the best independent body shops in the city.

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Why does everyone debadge? Not like anyone knows WTF a Legacy is anyways. I think it looks "odd" without anything on the back. I can see dealer stickers and crap like that, but leave stock lettering on...
I'm pleasantly surprised... It was most certainly worth the couple bucks and 10 mins of my time.


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Why does everyone debadge? Not like anyone knows WTF a Legacy is anyways. I think it looks "odd" without anything on the back. I can see dealer stickers and crap like that, but leave stock lettering on...

+1. I never got the whole debadge-ing thing either.

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Why does everyone debadge? Not like anyone knows WTF a Legacy is anyways. I think it looks "odd" without anything on the back. I can see dealer stickers and crap like that, but leave stock lettering on...


no kidding when people debadge it's like they're ashamed to drive a LGT plus it looks like they ran out of money and couldn't afford the emblems. :lol: bosco

Stay Stock Stay Happy
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I haven't been able to figure out the phenomenon either.


No dealer badges on my car, but I see nothing wrong leaving the car in the way Subaru intended. Give credit where credit's due.


Besides, when you're trying to spot other LGT owners it's about the only way of telling a LGT from another legacy from the back.

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Sounds like usual stupid california drivers. I swear, they are the worst. I have driven in a few differant areas and CA takes the cake on the wost drivers I have ever seen. I have lived down here for 4 years now and I have been rear ended and almost been plowed into by mornic self absorbed idiots more times than I can count. I have had to many close calls down here. Though I have to say the Subie crowd down here are, in general, better drivers than most.

Ben (2014 Outback SAP w/ eyesite, 2014 Tribeca Limited, 2006 LGT limited sedan)

Subaru Ambassador PNW


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and around and around we go...



The car looks too cluttered with all the crap that Subaru puts on the back. Throw in a gaudy dealer plate and you have a rear end that's busier than Times Square.


We de-badge the clutter because we're ashamed of our cars / we're ricers?





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