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New Year not off to a great start --> Windshield Crack

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Dammit. :icon_mad: The guy ahead of me swing wide through the median exiting the freeway and chucked up a stone that hit my windshield. It made a small star shaped impact crack (1/2 inch diameter) near the bottom about half way across.


Can that be repaired, or do I need to have the windshield replaced?



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yeah i had that happen twice on my last car. window repair fixed it just fine. cost about $70 and only thing left was a small pin hole size spot if you really looked.


one thing is for certain is that you need to fix it ASAP because it will only get worse and then you;ll have to replace the windshield.








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That is nothing, I was driving behind a truck and it went over a piece of wood that must have been 8 inches long, and a good 5 inches wide. It came right at me, and landed on my hood. It was scary since it looked like it was going to hit my windshield, but it left a big dent on my hood :( I would hae prefered that it would have hit my windshield.


GL and it can be fixed, but it won't be perfect.



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I feel for you. I am on my third windshield in this car. I had a rock chip that spread so it was replaced. Then that windshield got hit with a rock on I80 and cracked. I'm getting it replaced this week.


I've had bad luck with the glass on this car. I hope I can keep this windshield for a while.

Super JDM part out: http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65039


PM me an offer!

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Yeah, overall I guess I'm glad it hit the windshield and not the hood. I just wish the guy who chucked the rock could drive worth a damn and kept it out of the gravel filled median.


Unfortunately my insurance deductible ($250) will still apply. I think I'll give the repair a try and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!

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damn. wish i only had a little star in my windshield. second windshield and it's already completely cracked across! :(


but they should be able to fix it, just make sure you get it in and done pronto before any moisture gets in there and/or it spreads. they can really only fix things up to 6" or no guarantee. the one that spread across my entire windshield was just over 6" when i had it repaired, but this winter it got colder than usual and it spread.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!!!
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Yeah, overall I guess I'm glad it hit the windshield and not the hood. I just wish the guy who chucked the rock could drive worth a damn and kept it out of the gravel filled median.


Unfortunately my insurance deductible ($250) will still apply. I think I'll give the repair a try and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!


Check and see if you have full glass insurance. I declined mine with geico, but it covers the widnshield without a deductible. The sucky part of glass insurance is that a lot of times they want to replace it with a cheaper aftermarket windshield.



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If you have insurance with a $250 deductible I'm almost sure you have free repair. A lot of insurance companies (Pemco and Progressive in my cases) will repair your window for free. You see, it's a lot less costly for them to shell out $50 for a repair then it is to replace it later due that repair being neglected, even with your $250. Our windshields run about $450-$550. :(


Call your insurance company, ask them about getting a claim number and how it works. They usually just spout out a claim number and you just give it to the window repair guy. I've done it quite a few times. :)

Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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Nope. Your defrost air vents are under the winshield but your de-icer elemet is built into the bottom of the windshield. Look at it closely, you'll see some pretty larger orange line designs right at the base of your windshield.
Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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Nope. Your defrost air vents are under the winshield but your de-icer elemet is built into the bottom of the windshield. Look at it closely, you'll see some pretty larger orange line designs right at the base of your windshield.


Thanks for the clarification.

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Since my windshield wasnt in poor shape already, a truck in front of me was spraying debris. So I have a question for ya'll with bug/stone guards. Do you ever feel like it shoots the debris right into the windshield. Because other than my clear coat cancer, my hood is in pretty good shape. But my windshield terrible.
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