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I hate DINGS and PEOPLE .....

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AHHHH !!!! some one just dinged my ride in the parking lot..... I just paid to have a ding removed...a couple of weeks ago.....to booot...I parked waaaaaay in the back against a concrete wall....and I still got dinged!!! :icon_mad:


Thanks for letting me vent ....

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i had a HUGE ding this weekend too.. well not as much as a ding but a DENT!!! it seems like the person opened the door, hit my car. Couldn't get in, then tried to push the door even further!! arg!!!! it wasn't like the parking spot was for compacts... there was good 1.5-2 feet between the car.. i dont' know, i am pretty small.. i could get out of my car fine with 2-3 inches between my car's door and the other car..


i don't know.. when i saw it, it really killed my weekend.. :icon_mad:

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I got dinged at work the first day I got the car !!! As you, parked WAY far back, but some a$$ just needed to park right next to me. Ppl just seem to be drawn towards my L GT in parking lots.
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i hate people. i have three small dings in my rear passenger door. plus scratches everywhere. and only 3500 miles. i think the black shows it more too...
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Was the car still next to you when you saw the ding or did the guy realize what he did and moved his car else where so he couldn't get blamed.


and yeah people suck.



car is stilll there.....I left a note:icon_mad: hope he calls

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I got dinged at work the first day I got the car !!! As you, parked WAY far back, but some a$$ just needed to park right next to me. Ppl just seem to be drawn towards my L GT in parking lots.


Dog....I don't no what it is.....but my LGT just attracts dings and rocks in the windshield….I had to get that replaced after 3500....some truck threw one of 495 finest meteors right it to my windshield....By the way for future reference, a windshield for the LGT $500 bones. Watching a meteor shoot across three lanes heading right you and there's nothing you can do but watch.....priceless :icon_mad:

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I got dinged right at the top of the arc of the fender on the Leggy. Most of the dings I got on my old car came from SUV's. Those are some heavy doors, and its always someone puny thats swinging them open. I don't even go to malls anymore if its unusually windy out:icon_mad:
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i left a note on this guys car that parked facing me, just barely touching my front bumper (no scrape or dents). i told him he was a f-ing idiot and the next time he parks that close to my car i am going to kick his door in hahaha
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This used to really bother me. I'd wax my car and find another chip or ding. Problem with getting a newer car is that it is only going to get these flaws. I did manage to see a guy ding my car and then repark his car somewhere else. Instead of yelling at him, I chose the self-help method of foot-to-door.


I need to carry around stickers that say "Nice parking A-hole!" and then slap them on cars when they do insensitive BS like this. grrrr

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I usually wait about a year or two between visits to the Dent Doctor.

Going every time a new one shows up is a futile (and expensive!!) exercise.

I too have a big one on my rear quarter panel that I am leaving alone until I have at least 1 or 2 more.

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else. Instead of yelling at him, I chose the self-help method of foot-to-door.


I find that the key-to-paint self-help method is also very effective without drawing as much attention to yourself.

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I need to carry around stickers that say "Nice parking A-hole!" and then slap them on cars when they do insensitive BS like this. grrrr


How about we get some bumper stickers (with very, very good adhesive) printed up that say "I can't park worth sh1t, how's my driving?"

It is still ugly.
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How about we get some bumper stickers (with very, very good adhesive) printed up that say "I can't park worth sh1t, how's my driving?"

Already on the market, there's a site up somewhere you can order them from.

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I know what yall mean, my girlfriends my put a ding in my door with her car. And recently I got hit by a kid who just started driving and he is paying for the car but the really messed up part is the paint shop has had it for the longest week and a half of my life.
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Now that Sucks Dude !!!:icon_mad: could it have been the X ?

:lol: well if it was my x as well as the x of at least 6 other people


A whole lotta cars in my area were vandalized that night. Mine was less damaged than many. When I called in they said they knew of 6 others (I was the 7th) but when the popo came she said she was going to another one after me and I'm sure others were found days later. I need to go pick up my police report so I am curious to find out what the grand total was.


Not looking forward to finding out how much its gonna cost to fix :(

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