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Pin Stripe Removal... bring your Legacy back to the future.

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I recently purchased a 2006 LGT Spec B. The vehicle was brought in for me as a dealer trade. When the vehicle arrived, I found out that the previous dealership had put pinstripes on the car. I guess they somehow traded with a dealership from 1984... not worth sending it back, but they had to go.


This walkthrough will show you how to remove pinstripes from your vehicle. It will cover two ways of approaching the matter.


If you are scared you might hurt yourself or your paint then take your car to a detailer or auto body specialist. I am not responsible for your actions or any damage caused to you or your car by following these directions.


First approach:

If your vehicle has not had the pinstripes on it for very long you will likely be able to successfully peel the stripes off of the car.


1. Move the vehicle into a suitable place with enough light to really see what you are doing. Thoroughly clean the area around the stripes.


2. Using your fingernail gently pick at the end of the stripe, pulling it up until you have enough of the stripe loose to get a hold of it. Pull the stripe back and away from the car slowly… very slowly. If you pull too fast the stripe leave excess adhesive behind and will snap. If it snaps, pick at the end again until you can start pulling again.


3. No matter how slow you go the stripe will leave some adhesive residue behind.


4. Rubbing alcohol, a micro fiber towel and a lot of rubbing will take care of the adhesive. Goo Gone would probably work pretty slick too if you have some handy.


5. Work one panel at a time until you have a pinstripe-free car. If this approach worked, skip to step 9.



Second approach:

If your vehicle has had the pinstripes on it for a long time, you will likely need a little more force to successfully remove the stripes. Assuming you have tried the steps above and it’s just not working…


6. Purchase a Pinstripe Removal Tool. The one I got was pneumatic (uses an air-compressor) and cost me less than $40. You can find these at any auto paint supply store. Read the instructions that come with the tool and follow them. Especially if they deviate from the steps I outline here.


7. Assemble the tool, lube and test for correct operation. Once you are ready to rock, put on some safety glasses and move to the vehicle. Start the tool away from the surface of the car. Then move towards the surface setting the spinning wheel on edge on the stripe. Move the tool along the stripe. Don’t keep the tool in one place very long and don’t apply much pressure. You don’t need to go back and forth, just pull it along the stripe. It only takes a split section for it to remove the stripe once it touches so keep it moving. Letting it sit too long or applying too much pressure will damage your paint.


8. It’s going to look like you took a pencil eraser to the stripe. You will need to go back over the area with a cloth and cleaning solution (I used Rubbing Alcohol) to get the residue off. Much easier cleanup than removing adhesive as described above.


Once you are Stripe-free:

Do these steps once you have successfully removed the stripes and all remaining residue.


9. Grab a cold one and admire your work.


10. Through this process you have removed any protectant that you previously had on the car. Wash the whole car and add your favorite sealant, wax, etc. I used 1 coat Zaino and 1 coat S100 wax.



If I've missed anything or stated something incorrectly please post a correction. I’d like to thank OC Details for pointing me towards the pinstripe tool above and for all the info listed on his site. Great stuff… my car and I thank you.




















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One of the dealers here in Birmingham still puts pinstripes on all of the Subaru's they sell...


The sales manager tries and tries to get them to stop doing it, but the higher ups keep insisting that they do it...


I just told them to not put them on the cars that I've bought from them :)

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My bro was with me when I picked up my car at a NC dealer 2.5 hours away. I went out the check the car over and then it went into their "cleaning" process before giving it to me. What do you know... there's an ugly pinstripe on there after the "cleaning". I asked the saleswoman about it and she flat out told me that that's the way it comes to them. I asked my brother to see the pics he took with his cell phone while we were looking the car over and sure enough, no pinstripe. Gotta love honesty.
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am i the only one that WANTS pinstripes on the car? i think it'd look hot.


check this wagon out:


I gotta say that's one HAWT Wagon... Pinstripes and all.

I'll check Photobucket and get some picks up. :icon_bigg

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dealer pinstripes are not cool.


My local dealer installs them, and black wheel well guards on all the cars they sell.


Knowing this, I made sure my sales guy kept all that silliness OFF my car when it was getting prepped for me. He kindly obliged.


Tuner-style pinstripes, if done well, can really accent a car (assuming you actually have the parts on your car and not just a poseur sticker.


The Prova-mobile above is realy nice, and works well with the wheels, body kit, lowering etc.



Of course, massive, exploding robotic chicken stickers by Troy Lee Designs are clearly the best- for any car.

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That thing would scare me. It seems that is overkill to remove a pinstripe that was put on the car at most a couple of weeks ago.

Why not just use a Dremel with a stone grinder on your paint? :lol:

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Yep, way overkill for fresh stripes... I used the peel method for 98% of the car.


Hadn't done this before so I bought the tool just in case. Since I had it and was writing a walk through I figured I'd include how to use it. Someone may need to use one on a car with stripes that have been there since 1984. :)


Did no damage to my car where I used it, though it did make me nervous. :icon_surp


The wheel is the texture and consistancy of a pencil eraser. No real grit to it, but it can burn the clear if you don't keep it moving.

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I told the dealer 3 times not to put a dealer sticker on my car. When I went to pick it up there it was. I tried to make them take it off but it was late and cold so I did it myself. Working in the IT department of a largeish local retail company, I hate salespeople, I really really do. Most are born without souls, more are born without brains. (I think that's the harshest thing I've said on this board) Sorry if you're a salesperson, if you're on the board you obviously have some sort of brain.
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