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LGT and Miata owners

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I know one of you is over on http://www.miata.net...


Just wondering if anybody else has both an LGT and Miata.


Looking to get a Miata, pretty much the opposite of the what the LGT wagon, is hehe.


Thinking 94-97, use it for NE back country driving, autocrossing and some track days.


Any thoughts and comments from Miata fans appreciated, will probably buy in fall and have a budget of 7K.

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don't have a miata yet. but my folks have an NA miata and it's quite fun with the top down when the sun is shining. I would rather go with the mazdaspeed version as it offers a bit more oomph. And we know how tweakable those turbo miatas can be.
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I had a '94 Miata R-package that was a weekend/track car. I had it for 6 years and at least 30+ trackdays. Utterly reliable, cheap and abundant aftermarket, and nothing wears (tires, brakes etc.) It was pre-OBDII, so was very tuneable. The manual steering was very absolutely spot-on. Until the Lotus Elise showed-up, I think this was the most purpose-built, no frills car in the US. Not a day goes by when I don't long for it.


Had to sell it for a WRX wagon when my first son was born and my wife performed a hostile take-over on my everyday vehicle. Sigh.....


My user name is actually the license plate "bugs in teeth" from my old Miata. I'm 6'4", and I had an epiphany on my first drive before I removed all of the seat foam.

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I had a 1990 miata (for 5 years, sold last month), w/ a FMII turbo kit from flyin miata and all I can say this thing was a rocket. Although I haven't dynoed my car after installing the turbo kit they claim 250hp and 215tq which is crazy for a car that weighs 2000 lbs.
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My user name is actually the license plate "bugs in teeth" from my old Miata. I'm 6'4", and I had an epiphany on my first drive before I removed all of the seat foam.


No kidding. I drove a Mazdaspeed Miata a while ago and I'm only 5'11" and felt like my line of sight ran directly into the top edge of the windshield. I was ducking the whole time to actually look through the glass.

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My best friend had one (99') and my dad bought a used one (02') about 2 years ago. Both of them the new(er) styling (non pop-up headlights). They can be fun cars - just different kind of fun. No real raw power - stock - but very tossable in the corners. From what I have seen from my dad and my buddy, the Miata is reliable as hell with no major problems, fun to drive and or autoX, cheap to maintain, and is easy on gas (careful newer ones need premium).


Plus my dad may autoX with me this year - me in the LGT and him in the Miata. I will let you know how it goes...

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Jeeze, if I end with a Miata and Subaru, might as well get a Mini as well, haha.


But seriously, never had a car with a sunroof, nevermind a convertible. Like the idea of a cheap, reliable, great-feeling car to drive that is the opposite of the LGT wagon in many ways. Plenty of aftermarket parts makes future tinkering a plus, lots of clubs and online information, and consumables like tires for track days/autocrossing are far cheaper in 15" sizes versus 17"...


I'm liking this idea more and more!

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I thought it was mostly guys here :confused:


E tu, Jedimaster? And to think I voted for you in the Best Avatar poll...


No worries; I've got a thick skin - the guys at work are always giving me a hard time about my 'Effeminate Blue" car. But anyone that doesn't think the Miata is a true sportscar is welcome to come for a ride with me down at the Tail of the Dragon - I guarantee you will be scared sh!tless. :icon_surp It's like having your own personal roller coaster, and driving the car ALWAYS puts a smile on my face, in a way the LGT - though faster - never will. For me, the Leggy is just my Winter Beater, and I count the days until the spring storms wash the salt off our Michigan roads.


I am on Miata.net, but in four years I've got something like 35 posts. I read it all the time, but everything you ever wanted to know about the car has already been discussed by true experts, and I'm kinda intimidated over there. So I just LURK. :icon_bigg Even more than I do here.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.


In other words: SEARCH before you post!

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I'm one of those people who has both. I think the Subie LGT (especially the wagon) is a perfect complement to just about any Miata. Mine is a 1999 10th Anniversary model.


For under 7K, I would think your best bet would be a well-kept 1994-1997 with Torsen differential. For just a little more ($8-9K), you could get one of the early 2nd generation cars. They have a little more power, stiffer chassis, larger trunk, glass rear window. The 2nd generation also have a little more modern styling inside and out. I think the 2nd gen is better for long trips.


Some people prefer the 1st generation to the 2nd -- my advice, drive both generations, pick the one you like most. Try to buy from a private party with maintenance history and get it checked out by a mechanic before you buy.

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My wife's Miata is a great car. I can't imagine selling it for any reason other than replacing it with another miata.


I am 6'2" and have a bit of contortionist move to get in with the top up, but once inside, with the clutch underfoot, and the shifter and steering wheel in hand, it is a direct connection to the asphalt. With the Preferred equipment package, it has the Torsen Limited Slip in the rear axle, and drives like "buttah."


I would LOVE a 04-05 Mazdaspeed miata, or any miata from 94-05 with a turbocharger. Flyin Miata looks like a candy store. With the inherent balance and light weight of the car, with commensurate braking and suspension tuning, 250hp would be AMAZING in that car. (or a V8 transplant with even more horsepower, and a mountain of torque. I have considered a tuned rover V8 with downdraft throttle bodies and port fuel injection...)


I have all sorts of ideas for a fun custom miata... and I can't think of a better canvas... and sometimes I really wish Mazda had imported the short-run coupe version of the NB miata. THAT would have been a great car in itself, and an amazing platform for a performance and/or race car.


That is one reason I am piqued with the Mazda Kabura. I am not impressed overall by the new NC miata. I am non-plussed by the ovoid styling, and afterthought fender flares, even though the tech specs say it is an improvement over the NB, and the new folding top is an improvement. I have heard that reviewers have been left strangely cold, as if some of the soul has not been maintained in the new car. Hopefully a coupe with a new focus will get some added stiffness, and even better handling, and a new attitude.

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...I am not impressed overall by the new NC miata. I am non-plussed by the ovoid styling, and afterthought fender flares, even though the tech specs say it is an improvement over the NB, and the new folding top is an improvement. I have heard that reviewers have been left strangely cold, as if some of the soul has not been maintained in the new car...

I prefer the earlier cars myself, for many reasons.


There are so many excellent 1st and 2nd generation Miatas out there at reasonable prices that the NC doesn't seem all that compelling.


How about a working spare tire? What happened to the luggage space behind the seats? Why are the side sills so high I can't rest my arm on the door? Plus all those odd styling details you mentioned.



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What I find so fun about it is that I can drive the tar out of it... and not be going double the speed limit. You can pretty much wind it out in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, which is pretty addictive. It feels faster than it is, of course, but I've never been into drag racing, anyway: I like going around corners fast, and nothing this side of an Elise does that as well as the Miata, IMnot-so-HO. There's a ton of different choices for aftermarket mods, mostly reasonably priced, and expert walk-throughs on miata.net. For me, it's been a great car for me to learn to play grease-monkey on, too.


I, too, recommend driving a couple different models to decide whether you like the 1st (NA '90-'97)) or 2nd (NB '99-'05) generation better. If you like the newer models better AND are thinking eventually towards Forced Induction, the '99-'00 model might be the best choice. For 2001 Mazda added VVT and upped the compression level. That means that stock HP increased slightly, but it actually seems to limit the potentials gains from FI. It also requires 91 octane fuel, which the earlier models did not. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.


In other words: SEARCH before you post!

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The car I traded in on the Legacy wagon was a NB Miata 5-spd. It was wonderful to drive on weekends with the top down. Several weekends were spent driving roads I had heard about in forums, having a total blast. During the week, it wasn't quite as much fun; commuting in Atlanta's rush hour.



That said, I have more fun day-to-day with the Legacy.

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I like going around corners fast, and nothing this side of an Elise does that as well as the Miata


Have to disagree. When I was doing my swap you could almost break even on changing the MR-S to a 6 speed 2zz (same motor as Elise). 200 lbs heavier than an Elise though. No way would stock suspension compare, but Tein HA coilovers get you a little closer. TTE sways, good rubber, 16" SSRs. Mid engine also...


The Miata does have a lot of aftermarket parts available also of course.


C&D 2000

If these two cars were strictly racing machines, the MR2 would be the easy choice, and it finished only a single point behind the Miata. It's so balanced and neutral at the limit that the driver can choose which end to slide at will -- something few of today's sports cars can do. During a short lapping session, we found ourselves braking ridiculously late for the corners and allowing the rear end to step out during turn-in, which quickly and efficiently pointed the car at the apex. The rear-end slide never felt hairy or threatening but was rather a useful tool to produce quick lap times. There is nary a hint of the hair-raising, bite-you-in-the-butt potential we've encountered in some mid-engined cars, including the old MR2 and the Acura NSX.


The interior of the Spyder does suck.

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That said, I have more fun day-to-day with the Legacy.


Yeah... I don't think I'd want my Miata as my only car, but it sure makes a nice toy.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.


In other words: SEARCH before you post!

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When I had my RX-7 (modded 1st gen 1980), I rented a 1990 miata. 0-60 was almost as quick as my 7. Handling was superb.

Toyed with a 2nd gen for awhile. Tuning not as easy, but still obtainable. Also, check out GarageVery for some sweet body parts. JDM so a bit $$ to import.

Vir Est Fatum Ut Perficio Concepta Suus Progenies. - Man is destined to fulfill the capacity of his lineage (i.e. Darwinism):rolleyes:

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