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COVID-19 - who's got some?


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Best luck to them. A renown local guitar shop owner in Saratoga got it and is dead at 63. No risk factors identified. Great entrepreneur, musician; helpful and friendly. Bought a guitar from him many years ago and he always remembers me and what I bought on the rare visits I made to his shop. Edited by HDTurbo
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Talked to my mom yesterday said she was feeling better and should be done with quarantine by Wednesday or Thursday this coming week.


Said she had a low fever for a few days, cough, and reduced sense of smell and taste.


I guess she got it from a guy who installed some new appliances, he ended up positive a day after doing the work.

Edited by Penguin
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She claims that he was, there is of course a chance she picked it up elsewhere around the same timeframe.


At any rate she is feeling better, and so are her friends. I suspect the appliance install guy having it was coincidental, since her friends also got COVID-19 around the same time as my mom. She wouldn’t have been actively shedding virus that soon. I would bet they all got it at the same time out screwing around doing whatever it is three 60+ year old retired women go do.

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That headline is misleading. It implies that all persons who got COVID-19 are part of the sample, but reading the article you find it is a study of persons with severe cases who had to be hospitalized.


I’d love to see the breakdown on the sample group, the ages, and other pre-existing health conditions.


I’ll bet it’s mostly old people, and that many of them have other health issues.


So get the **** out of here with the cherry picked misleading data set and sensationalized headline.


If it were accurate it would read: “Elderly and sick COVID patients who were hospitalized at higher risk of being hospitalized again because old people are the most likely group to be hospitalized for all causes.”

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In other words - they would have died anyway.



Primary point is more to avoid the spread to avoid clogging the health care system with patients that drains the resources even more. Their other conditions are usually not contagious.

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