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COVID-19 - who's got some?


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I'm waiting because I want to see what effect it might have on long COVID people as well.

So much isn't known yet with all this rushing.


My fear is that we will go full YOLO once the vaccine is "available" and people will be like "I don't need to do anything now, we have a vaccine, back to my normal like"

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Basically is it how much temptation can you put aside, cuz at some point you going to want to let loose those horses then flashing lights in your rearview


Lol. Lawyers have uses...this is one of them.


If you get stopped for speeding, you're an idiot. Always run. That way, when you actually have contraband, the cops don't know if you are bluffing or not. My grandfather was a moonshine runner during prohibition. He was full of valuable lessons. :)


Grandpa thought I drove like an azzhat at 16. If only he could see me now, he'd yell at me non-stop.

Edited by boxkita
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I'm waiting because I want to see what effect it might have on long COVID people as well.

So much isn't known yet with all this rushing.


My fear is that we will go full YOLO once the vaccine is "available" and people will be like "I don't need to do anything now, we have a vaccine, back to my normal like"


Im in this bucket. With healthcare professionals and nursing home residents first on the list, the rest of us are F'ked. If the vaccine is bad, we just killed off our first responders. If it's good, ppl won't get it because they no longer see stories about first responders getting sick

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I haven't been reading much about this, but I do see headlines and such. I think I read that a couple people in the UK went into anaphylactic shock a few hours after they got the vaccine? That's a little nervewracking, for that to happen hours after you got it done. What are you supposed to do, stay near the dr's office/cvs/walgreens/wherever you get it done in case you need an epi pen? Also, I understand that they had strong allergies or something, but still.

Certainly can't be ignored, but those were allergic reactions in two people who had a hx of such reactions. The overall safety was determine by the required studies. The reactions typically occur in minutes, so people can wait ~15 minutes after the vaccinations to allow time to see if there is a reaction that staff can treat with epi.

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Your certainly entitled to your opinion (it's your body), here's mine: To me bad logic would be taking a rushed, unproven vaccine with equally unproven mRNA technology for a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate under the age of. 80


That's great that the Vaccines seem to be very effective (so far) against Covid-19, but I'm more interested in seeing if there's any long term negative side effects. Plus I'm not in a high risk category and have low exposure to the general public so I have no problem waiting and seeing.


As for the T-cells generated from any of the seven Corona family of viruses, preliminary results from tests conducted have been pretty positive so far. Sure, you'll still get ill but your recovery time should be faster and the symptoms milder.


I'm ok with taking my chances and betting on my immune system that's already been there and beaten that. I'll let others be the guinea pigs if they so choose.

I'm a scientist and am not going to debate those who aren't. You've proven you can't be convinced about basic scientific facts, so I'm happy to discuss beer and music with you. /rant

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Here they are starting with the vaccines on people in risk groups and the care chain most likely to spread the virus to risk groups, then it will be for everyone else.



So if there are side effects it's the risk group people that will suffer first. :icon_twis

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I'm a scientist and am not going to debate those who aren't.

Many years ago I was fortunate to receive a world-class education in engineering and the physical sciences (Richard Feynman was one of my professors), but I'm not a working scientist. I try never to confuse credentials with competence. Can I still play?


You've proven you can't be convinced about basic scientific facts, so I'm happy to discuss beer and music with you.
Agreed. In my limited experience, people who dispute science can seldom be convinced otherwise, but that still leaves room for lots of interesting conversations about art, music, etc. (I once knew a college-educated woman ... a literary type ... who seriously claimed that airplanes couldn't fly, for the sole reason that she couldn't understand how they could fly. She could never quite reconcile this belief with the fact that she, herself, had seen airplanes flying many times.) Edited by ammcinnis

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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Feynman? Wow, that is awesome ...

Caltech, 1961. It was the most intellectually stimulating period in my life, but possibly the most frustrating as well. Feynman was a mesmerizing lecturer, and in less formal settings I also had the distinct privilege of hearing some of the now-famous "Feynman stories" told in the first person by the man himself.

Edited by ammcinnis

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)


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I'm a scientist and am not going to debate those who aren't. You've proven you can't be convinced about basic scientific facts, so I'm happy to discuss beer and music with you. /rant


If this is about masks, all I said is they are not nearly effective are people think they are because they do not completely block Aersol transmission and the latest studies coming out are showing this. Nothing that I said is incorrect. Nothing that I said goes against "scientific facts"


Not once did I say don't wear a mask, no, what I said was even with a mask, you need to limit public exposure.


So, whatever.:rolleyes:

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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If this is about masks, all I said is they are not nearly effective are people think they are because they do not completely block Aersol transmission and the latest studies coming out are showing this. Nothing that I said is incorrect. Nothing that I said goes against "scientific facts"


Not once did I say don't wear a mask, no, what I said was even with a mask, you need to limit public exposure.


So, whatever.:rolleyes:



The masks aren't 100% effective, I agree on that. But it's way better than nothing.



But what I really hate is that supermarkets rearranges their stuff now during Covid-19 so when you plan to make a quick raid to get some stuff you end up being in the shop for longer and meet more people than you need which doesn't help and can double your time in the shop just because the loaves of bread you used to get are relocated.

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Lol. Lawyers have uses...this is one of them.


If you get stopped for speeding, you're an idiot. Always run. That way, when you actually have contraband, the cops don't know if you are bluffing or not. My grandfather was a moonshine runner during prohibition. He was full of valuable lessons. :)


Grandpa thought I drove like an azzhat at 16. If only he could see me now, he'd yell at me non-stop.



Yea, I am bad at this lawyer part of life. This is something I need to research more on as life progresses.

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My local grocery frequently rearranges their products, most recently the produce section. Shopping every week since March for my oldsters, it took me longer than when I had established a routine for selecting their common items. They're overdue to shuffle the meat next! At least the cans of "creamed corn" has stayed put. And all the nose hanging out crew seem to congregate/coagulate in herds and not follow the now directional aisles...
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More than one in some cases. Might be more a common sense issue than that book learnin'


We all believe our turbo/engine won't be become shrapnel inspite of almost daily posts proving we're on borrowed time.


I'm working on a degree in auto mechanics using a LGT as my project car. Next quarter is engine performance. I expect I'll be repeating Engine Building/Repair every week instead.

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My local grocery frequently rearranges their products, most recently the produce section. Shopping every week since March for my oldsters, it took me longer than when I had established a routine for selecting their common items. They're overdue to shuffle the meat next! At least the cans of "creamed corn" has stayed put. And all the nose hanging out crew seem to congregate/coagulate in herds and not follow the now directional aisles...



My wife and I been doing order online and have pick up from the local BJs (Wholesale store like Cosco) and Stop n Shop (local grocery). That way we aren't in the store at all since usually that trip ends up being longer than needed and we have less risks involved. ngl it really is nice not spending some much time in the store then waiting in line.

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Even with a mask on, Dept/grocery store shopping is one of the most riskiest behaviors, it's higher then Dining indoors (or even Gym visits). I don't do either. I get curbside and I get take out, so does my wife. If I absolutely have to do a store raid, I go at the least busy time, usually early morning hours.


You can't properly social distance when these places are packed and during the holiday season....good luck. Masks help but the longer your exposure, the higher your risk of contraction

♪Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;

None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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My wife and I been doing order online and have pick up from the local BJs (Wholesale store like Cosco) and Stop n Shop (local grocery). That way we aren't in the store at all since usually that trip ends up being longer than needed and we have less risks involved. ngl it really is nice not spending some much time in the store then waiting in line.

Yep, my Hannaford market has that service. I still prefer selecting my own groceries.

Even with a mask on, Dept/grocery store shopping is one of the most riskiest behaviors, it's higher then Dining indoors (or even Gym visits). I don't do either. I get curbside and I get take out, so does my wife. If I absolutely have to do a store raid, I go at the least busy time, usually early morning hours.


You can't properly social distance when these places are packed and during the holiday season....good luck. Masks help but the longer your exposure, the higher your risk of contraction

Indoor dining features customers without a mask, which I obviously find concerning. I'm not so concerned for myself as I believe I already had it and a positive antibody test. My concern is for the broader effects on the country, the at-risk, economy and especially the health of our health care systems and the dedicated staff working therein.

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I was at the dealership yesterday getting an oil change for the wrx. I was first on the list for the day thinking it'd be ok. 15 minutes later I look up to realize the sniffling is the young lady in the next chair, wiping her nose on her mask, then wiping off on the chair. I couldn't get out of the waiting room fast enough.


Woke up with a headache, nausea, and other "symptoms". On the plus side, passed my 3rd covid test on Friday. Have one more next week.


Tbf, I wanted to smack her upside the head with my book, however that level of idiocy usually isn't fixed with percussion therapy.

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