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Everything posted by BBPeik

  1. Got it, Sorry for the confusion. So not a restriction, just a weak point.
  2. From what I have understood the stock charge pipe is fine up to 400HP and even a bit more. Quote from fahr_side "I have stage 3 5th gens at 335whp on the stock intake, and it's no where near maxxed out. The only intake I've tuned that gave a good smooth MAF curve was the Blitz item, and that's just a MAF housing & cone filter that sits in it's cool carbon scoop thing. Added not one extra hp over the stock intake though, even after carefully retuning for it." I may still hit you up on the test fit though.
  3. Well I just got home from my first day out in the world driving since the install. It was well over 100 on my drive home and it ran great. Overall the car just feels a lot happier. Runs much smoother in all driving situations. I expected some DAM correction today simply because of the heat, but instead DAM FNC and FNL all stayed right at zero. Vry happy with the install and would highly recommend this product. Of course tuning will tell for sure, but I expect good things there too.
  4. I just measured. Looks like from the firewall to the back edge of the inter cooler inlet pipe is 10". Mind you it is at about a 45° angle so that measurement is not perfect. Hope that helps.
  5. Here is the link for the Process West Verticooler install. http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/process-west-wrx-verticooler-installation-253808.html?p=5428616#post5428616
  6. Not sure. It may be possible to combine the process west and the racer x to get a suitable unit. If not my ghetto perrin throttle body hose set up worked pretty good.
  7. Joe, Glad for sure. Thanks for the quick heads up on the Mishimoto. I will post a link in the performance mods.
  8. No problem. Glad that I was able to do it. I am very anxious to see the results.
  9. So as quite a few of you know, I bought the Process West Verticooler for a 15WRX to install on my GT. Overall the install went well and everything fit close. Trust me it was by no means a perfect fit, but things were close enough to work. The one thing that absolutely would not work was the supplied intake piping. It was too short no matter which way you tried it. (Insert joke here). The kit also came with a new alternator cover that would not work either. The WRX setup just seems way different for that piece. Here is all of the kit as it was shipped. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_092933_zpsvdrjztzd.jpg Here is a side by side of the stock vs. the Process West. The new one is just huge compared to stock and weighs about a gazillion times more. The quality is great and the paint quality(Could be powdercoated) is great as well. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_093928_zpsxotsmwmx.jpg Now on to the install. The Verti cooler mounts from the bottom with two brackets. It actually mounts to the top transmission case bolt. On the WRX there is a mount(looks like torque mount from the pics)mounted to that same spot and they have the intercooler mount to the same spot. Again as before all the brackets are of really nice quality, so I have no worries about the bracket holding the weight of the intercooler. One other really nice thing about the new location of the intercooler is that you have great access to the rear of the intake. Stuff that was buried before, now is really easy to get to. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_104457_zpseu4ibjyr.jpg As mentioned before, I tried to use the supplied intake piping because it was really nice. It seems though as we have discussed before that the wrx intake setup is just different enough that it will not work. So I guess I will be selling the intake piping now that I cannot use it. Once I had the verticooler installed this is how it lined up with the intake tube. Not exactly optimal. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_110815_zpsplv0ejmj.jpg So I looked at this for quite a while and was trying every which way to make it fit and had absolutely no luck. Then on a whim I decided to look at the Perrin intercooler hose that now was an extra part due to having to use the supplied throttle body hose included with the kit. It had a funky jog to it that looked about like what I needed. After some messing around I decided it would work as long as I cut the accordion part off of the stock intake tube. This was a bit nerve racking because if it did not work I would be SOL, but I decided to give it a go. Low and behold, it worked. This is what I ended up with. I know it is not perfect, but I think it works pretty good considering. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_192309_zpsbhs5bbfi.jpg So this is how it all looks once everything is installed. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_130142_zpsrc2mryem.jpg SO now that the verti cooler was installed I needed to move on to the duct work. This was very tricky and I did my best considering that the included parts were in no way designed for our cars. I removed the hood scoop setup from under the hood. I had to trim it a bit and mess around with things, but it ended up pretty good. It is not perfect, but I think it will get the airflow to the cooler efficiently enough. I will begin tuning again this week, so that will really tell the truth. http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_182322_zpsba5dgjht.jpg http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah113/BBPeik/20160619_183110_zpsmowbeh7s.jpg I hope this helps any of you thinking about going this route. I appologize for any confusion in the write up. As I mentioned earlier it got up to 111 at my house today. It was about 104 in the garage. A bit better, but not the best for sure. Even so, I think all turned out well. Thanks for reading
  10. Very nice. Nice to see all the mods in a list. Keep it up
  11. Damn 200k. Someone has been enjoying their GT
  12. ^^^I was thinking the same thing. Interesting way to combat the problem.
  13. Well that about sums it up then doesn't it. As always Fahr_side amazing work. I have to say that old Grimmspeed design looks very well engineered. Quite a bit of thought went into that one.
  14. Given that we have a stock BPV there is not much difference by upgrading. The main benefit is that the stock one can leak boost. An aftermarket one is a much needed upgrade as soon as you start pushing past stock boost levels. Heck it is even a good idea at stock levels. Once you get the factory one out you will see how cheap it appears to be.
  15. I am just going off what I saw of Swannee's DP when I did the swap. It looks much better designed than the GB ones. I have no idea why they changed it, but looks like it might have caused some issues.
  16. Very nice. Thanks for the effort Jackal. I am in for sure. Need to protect the 20G and my new DP
  17. What a shame we dont get that here. My car would be gone in an instant.
  18. ^^^Well you had better get on it. Seriously though. Best bang for your buck mod there is.
  19. It holds the filter on. Snaps on to the locating pin for the filter after you install the filter.
  20. Sweet a day without disaster. You can't ask for any more than that. Glad the time-sert worked out
  21. The techs at my work both suggested a timesert or the keensert. They have had better luck with the timeserts though.
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