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Posts posted by magnusonsubie

  1. Hard to believe anyone would use a miata for drifting.


    Believe it or not the are actually perfect beginner cars to practice on. They are super cheap so damaging it doesn't make you cry too bad. Weld the rear diff, throw some cheap tires on it and have fun!



    We get it derp.


    You vape.

  2. You're welcome to come over in the afternoon and hang out, wash your car, whatever, I should be around.


    I'm in Oakland but work farther out. My LGT is filthy right now so it needs a good bath before any kind of meet. :lol:


    Soooooo it's sounding like car wash party at GTEASER's and then head to the meet!

  3. My bad my bad that was an honest mistake on my end. I was referring to the wagon.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Rays Gramlights 57Xtremes are the rays model you would be looking for. But the wheels on the wagon are CAR Kai. And props for owning up to your mistake. That's the first I've seen you do that! But you did also make a comment that made you appear as a dumbass first so it all evens out.

  4. looking good !

    i saw you have the black grill , i like that .

    the rear bumper look great also , it take time to be use too when you swap it , the usdm is so big , but after a while you réalise there is no way back !


    I really like the black grille too! I should have waited till summer to put it on as I got a few rock chips in it while going skiing this winter so I'm going to touch it up and then it will become a dedicated summer grille and I'll put the carbon badge you sent me on that grille. And yes about the bumper! The shorter bumper is amazing! It's nice being able to actually see my exhaust now! Which also means I need to polish the exhaust tips :spin:


    i have the rear lip also but didn t really like it , but saying it on your car it grow on me .

    i was thinking cutting the center section of this lip to make a kind of diffuser , i like the look of the side but i dont like that the center section stick out , i prefer the round look of the bumper


    I think my views on the rear lip are completely opposite.:lol: I've been trying to find a way that I could cut out the center section and leave only it on and get rid of the side pieces.

  5. it's growing on me.


    Yay I'm satisfying the internet!! :spin::spin:


    Looking FRESH Mag!




    That bumper and sport skirt look sooo good! I like that it gives the back bumper a bit more surface area and presence. I'll get my JDM front end on one of these days, hopefully by the time you move back to WA. Haha


    I really really really like the center section and the quarter shots. Still not in love with the fat added sideskirt on the profile shot. And yes you need to get that installed! I'll be moving back at the end of April.

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