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Posts posted by pfoyle

  1. On 95 South just before Waltham around 9:20ish or so, I came up to, pulled along side, and honked to my doppelganger. The car was a graphite grey metallic 5th gen LGT.


    The world very nearly ended, saved only when I went back into the left lane and pulled away.


    Probably Sigma... test-driving his new love! :p The only way to deal with the jealousy he feels for us!

  2. But anyways, back onto how Pfoyles car barely fits on a 4 lane highway, and how that doesn't really matter, since he just walks past all the 4th Gens that can't keep up and takes over the road while they try and see around him


    Elaborated on that for you. :cool:

  3. Thanks for the support Vt93! But as a 5th Gen driver these guys love to tease me about my big beautiful voluptuous behind... it's a running joke with us... So Jerm was just making the same joke made dozens of times before. Jerm don't even has a car that works, so I just take it all in stride. They're all just jealous anyway! :p
  4. Just wondering if any Lgt owners up in Vermont on here? new to the forums (so please dont hate to hard) got my lgt back in april been using peoples posts here for info and such just wanna say thank you! great stuff on here you guys know your shit. Current driving a 05 lgt blue in southern vt. sticker bombing and performance stuff is all ive done trying to keep her sleeperish lol


    Where in Southern VT are you? I live in Mass, but I'm up there multiple times every year to a family condo in West Dover (near Mt Snow)... drive through Brattleboro, Wilmington, West Dover frequently...

  5. Mackenzie is going to be jealous you got roof racks.... She wants some really badly lol


    <Don't say anything about her rack> <Don't say anything about her rack> <DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HER RACK> :hide::lol:


    Ok, I think I'm under control now...


    If she does end up ordering one, I'll have the clips that fit a 4th Gen that don't fit my car... would be willing to give her the clips and 2x 48" crossbars in exchange for 2x 58" crossbars (same price as 48")... Or she could order everything but the clips and get them from me for 1/2 price... Let me know.

  6. Not really a "spotted", but met up with Jose and snagged his Yakima roof rack/ski mount/fairing from him! Thanks again buddy, there's some pics posted in the "What did you do to your 5th Gen today", in case you want to see. Much appreciated (even though I need to grab different clips to fit on my big ass car)! Technically I should have gotten longer crossbars too, but I think I'll be ok (about 1" short on the recommended spacing from tower to tower). Luckily I have your info, in case it all goes wrong and I need to sue. :lol:;)
  7. Gah... alright, if you insist on fouling this thread...


    It strikes me as ironic when people claim something that they clearly have no idea about is "obvious." Are neural networks also obvious to you?


    Funny, out of hundreds of thousands of stolen firearms claims, not one police report references a completed background check left at the scene. :iam:


    Yes, because I was the one that fouled this thread... certainly not BDII with his initial idiocy. I find it ironic when people use the word "ironic" who clearly have no idea what it means... You're talking about stolen guns, we're talking about gun sales... if you intend on joining the conversation, please try to actually read/understand the conversation you are "joining".

  8. Imagine how much MOAR POWAH you could be making if you'd done all this on a 5th Gen?!!! :lol:


    Kidding, of course... you know I have the utmost respect/admiration for the time and effort you (and Alberto, and Bren, and others) have put into this car/build. Truly inspiring! Can't wait to see where it goes from here!

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