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Everything posted by HDTurbo

  1. What are the odds that Rotella is exactly what I've used for 10+ years?!
  2. If it would only take out the young and arrogant.
  3. Oh, hell yeah, jasmine rice is deeeelicious. I had it for the first time at a restaurant along-side Jamaican jerk chicken. I bet ttnio can attest...
  4. I intended all aspects of mechanical improvements as they work together. That was semi-sarcastic humor...eat what you want, in moderation. And no turbo badges on your NA car! I know!..Read the label and know the nutrition basics.
  5. I've been driving a turbocharged and/or modified turbocharged car as a DD since 2002 starting with the 1st WRX, the 05 wagon, now spec b. You don't need to go to a gym. I've never been into that. Maintaining a reasonable nutritional intake and getting a variety of exercise you can do without a lot of fancy equipment works for me. Plus a hobby or two, e.g., mountain biking (my preference) can keep you "in shape" and entertained. Read the labels, do the simple math, leave room for foods you love, even if they're allegedluh "unhealthy." Balance and moderation in all things ---- EXCEPT VEHICULAR PERFORMANCE/IMPROVEMENT !!! Oh, for both nutrition and cars - AVOID RICE !!!!!
  6. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/science-in-5/episode-18---covid-19---immunity-after-recovery-from-covid-19
  7. You're old. Keep us up to date on the ridiculous powah.
  8. just over 11y here and you guyz still haven't told me what the best oils is for my LGT. After my 05 wagon was no longer sustainable, the spec b became DD and a '20 Stinger GT1 is the new garage queen.
  9. Dude, that was a highly objective study with controls! Solid evidence of worstness!
  10. cross posting from beer thread https://www.taptrail.com/the-50-worst-beers-according-to-rate-beer/ blech
  11. As you start sampling, IPAs in particular, make note of the hops used so you can identify those whose flavors you like best. Read up on the beer making processes and the different types thereof. Enjoy your journey!
  12. Agree that visiting some craft breweries is a great idea. Tours and tastings are awesome! Now I want to drive 3 hours to VT for some Alchemist brews!
  13. https://www.ratebeer.com/Ratings/TheWorstBeers.asp
  14. :pSometimes I drink water. But, the Founder's All Day and Lagunitas DayTime are really tasty.
  15. Holy smokes, I can't imagine trying to navigate the spectrum of beers available today. I remember my first beer was a Molson Golden given to me at 15 after a long hot day of construction work by my older co-workers. It was wonderful! In the early 80's we discovered the "world tour of beers" starting to take hold at several restaurants. One of my favorites then and still are hefe weitzens. Great fruity flavors and lighter in alcohol, generally. Might be a good, lighter start, as you develop (maybe) your preferences. Today, I love IPAs, the more dense and powerful flavor the better (bitter!)...enjoy your path of discovery. No shortage of info on sites like https://www.beeradvocate.com/
  16. Dude, this has been common knowledge since early this year, and really since 1918. It’s all about where you’ve been outside your house. And your family members, too. If you have been exposed, absent a mask or touching shit in public that is why you wear a mask and wash your hands afterwards, this ain’t ‘rocket scientist’ as Watts has said...
  17. Then be sure to wear a proper mask properly.
  18. A liquid hazelnut core of Hobbit ignorance...a divine fantasy.
  19. it's all just a Spielberg movie, like the moon landing. I wonder if he's a flat earther?
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