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Everything posted by HDTurbo

  1. Dick prefers knobs drenched in Knob Creek, as does any self-respecting knob-licker.
  2. Jaaaaane, stop this crazy thiiiing!!" Ooops, wrong cartoon! Still a toss up as to which had the better theme song.
  3. Foot pegs would be a nice feature.
  4. I think it was Phillips' Milk of Magnesia...or amnesia!
  5. We have a bean roasting place around here, DeathWish Coffee. They are near our local 6 lane express-way (wink) and you can smell the roasting bean vapors in your car as you whizz by...mmm...
  6. YW. Not to be confused, as I did, with the guy who did the artwork for JPL's albums - https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk02o5Qc42vO7BjpWJSRerowe6wmTZg:1604621323545&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=david+levitan+art&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiiiPSf0OzsAhWmiOAKHfeLCAAQjJkEegQIChAB&biw=1920&bih=938
  7. Dick - Maybe you're familiar, Daniel Levitin has some interesting books on music and the brain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Levitin
  8. Mtn/trail biking are awesome! I didn't start in earnest until I was ~32 realizing if I didn't find some cardio/aerobic/muscle building exercise I liked and would DO, I was gonna die. My hx of motocross/dirtbiking only supported the skills needed and fun that resulted for the past 20+ years. I prefer the sweeping twisty woods runs, but the downhill mtn runs are also killer fun. I still remember getting that 1st ever "2nd wind" that I thought was BS. That said, on one final joyous run down Gore Mtn in NY in Fall 2000, I lost control and crashed only to be hit in the upper back by a guy who I was riding with for the 1st time. Ended up breaking my collar bone as well as a bunch of ribs that were only identified after I went to the hospital at 10:30 pm after bringin' everyone else home. Man, I miss those days. Get that bike, Dicko!!
  9. However, it would be fine for making what most people who think it's eXpresso!
  10. Sorry to hear of those losses. And condolences to your Mom.
  11. RainX is great for glass and I always used their washer fluid to help keep the repellance in shape during the winter. That said I've been using Meguiars hybrid ceramic wax on the spec b this year and haven't used RainX in a while, just their washer fluid. It makes nice tight water beads all over the car. More recently I got The Last Coat and have been using that on my new ride that replaced the 05 wagon. TLC goes on easier and seems to last longer than the Meguiars product. I will likely do a professionally applied ceramic coating next year.
  12. 2003 Enduro Comp FSR still rolling here. Need to replace shifter cables...
  13. I like this'n if just for the name: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/30081/301795/
  14. It does suck for some. I believe I had it in late November and had to think hard to recall that I was very fatigued and short of breath for a few weeks thereafter. Fortunately I avoided Thanksgiving as I never want to share illness with my old folks in their 80s...in March I had a sinus/headcold very atypical for me with low grade fever and loss of taste/smell. I tested COVID antibody positive in May (free test thru work), eliciting my having to recollect if I had been sick before that. Best wishes for a recovery soon, sir.
  15. Negra Modelo w/tacos... What model starship are you piloting? Any performance mods?
  16. Invidia UPs on both my LGTs cracked. I went with GS flex UP as replacement for both. ~$200
  17. nope. bourbon or gin. that shit's for kids, not men.
  18. I enjoy quality licorice as a sweet treat. Interestingly, I don't like anise or fennel in foods served as staples, i.e., not dessert/treats. I don't like that damned Sambvvvvvvvca either! JJ?
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