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I Donated Too
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Everything posted by HDTurbo

  1. I had an '86 Regal T-type. 235 hp was clearly an under-rating.
  2. New oil specification, and just look at the car at the bottom! https://www.rockauto.com/Newsletter/
  3. I'm more familiar with the dirty 'ol blues than Mr. West, just knew double entendre has been his claim to fame.
  4. The video is run backwards. Cats are not generous.
  5. It does, as with other acids, e.g., citric and muriatic (HCl). Vinegar is recommended in cleaning deposits from drip coffee makers.
  6. @10:59 - Error: Vinegar is not an oxidizing agent! As an acid, it's a reducing solution. Credibility lost...
  7. Despite winter typically lasting a bit longer that 1/4 of the year here, I love the change of seasons. And hills, mountains, twisty roads.
  8. pliers and a blowtorch weren't available in medieval times. And Tarantino lifted that line from 1973's Charley Varrick...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3LMDa4qriY
  9. 26.5 y/o water heater here. ServiceStar. I better go check it...
  10. just because you can...doesn't mean you should.
  11. Great! Thanks for the smoke, buddy...Gonna delay my lawn overseeding to germinate. No clouds here, but a lot of haze...
  12. Great QA at that factory...how many hands did that go thru before displaying it?!
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