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Everything posted by HDTurbo

  1. I thought hipsters embraced PBRs...we used to drink that crap 30 years ago, refillable 16oz brown glass. The bottles were so 'reused' that often the glass would break/chip under the cap...good thing glass sinks!
  2. Sacrilege! (Or is it?...) https://uproxx.com/life/most-overrated-ipas/
  3. Yes, that's a good app. However, this time of year, even the real-time radar is often useless b/c of the speed with which t'storms suddenly appear and disappear. It's 'be prepared' season.
  4. Correct. Self collection is also fraught with risk for error and inaccuracy. All this is more 'just because you can doesn't mean you should...'
  5. Case in point. FDA has EUA'd a number of COVID dx/molecular tests based on using saliva. I recognize the importance of the appropriate, and properly collected, specimens - for many many tests it matters: Nasopharyngeal swabs more effective than saliva samples for COVID-19 diagnostic testing https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/nasopharyngeal-swabs-more-effective-than-saliva-samples-for-covid-19-diagnostic-testing-according-to-current-evidence/
  6. Totally agree they should! I've dealt with HHS issues for 20+ years as relate to clinical laboratory testing and have a long list of issues unaddressed.
  7. Added some 134a sauce to #410. 14 y/o needed a transfusion. Chillier now.
  8. "Who cares about one guy." - the Right up in here.
  9. I'll go with ignorance. The feds are people and they sometimes make what I call "partially informed" errors....
  10. I get it. But it is so haaaarrrd to wear and breathe, plus I don't want to be told I have to, even if it's responsible protection for myself, my family and others when I can't distance.
  11. I've had both. I'm in Saratoga Co and they don't distribute around here. Took a nice jaunt up to Stowe couple Octobers ago to acquire some Alchemy. All were good. Raspberry Beret!
  12. I have yet to tire of IPAs and the variety of flavors imparted by the mixes of hops used. The other styles are good as well, and I particularly like the light/bright hefeweitzens.
  13. New car, new cooler, need to GTFO for brewski? Affirmative!
  14. Getting infected is taking a risk, given the realities of people of any age who have been harmed/died. Nick Cordero has a shitty year....And having been actually infected if you're asymptomatic is an unknown. And having a positive antibody test may or may not be accurate for CoV-2, and even if you're Ab+ it does not imply proven protection from another infection for too long. We have years before we will understand this virus and its effects on different variations of people. I'ma gonna wear the mask when I can't distance in crowded places. I had a + Ab test in May and had a potentially relevant "cold" in November. I did NOT go to Thanksgiving with my family, as my folks are both 80+....still bringing their supplies weekly since March...I wear my mask when I drop the stuff off and visit from a distance...as mother has dementia so every 5 minutes is a new day and she wants her hug....
  15. Maybe... Consider the pale skins and sunless environs of Finland. Vitamin deficiencies are relevant. All these truly depend upon the veracity of those studies and their conclusions. Overall, the "You need to take [insert plant, chemical, drug, vitamin, supplement, activity, process] and all your [CFS, "chronic" Lyme, COVID, autism, Alzheimer's....] will be prevented, cured, treated!!!" It's all capitalism, everything is for sale. Including the the souls of those that wittingly sell snake oil. Learn to be an informed skeptic....same with homeopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture....
  16. So odd, I always 'saw' it as some abstract-ish painting, with his shield as a hat on some sort of 'duck' looking up to the right...esp as there's not specific outline of the top/back of the helmet...perception...
  17. Apt. What is your avatar, bdisco?
  18. He burnt his ass-umption with that Dunning-Kruger swing.
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