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Chris GTO TT

I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Chris GTO TT

  1. Welp let's see if anyone on m.net has any bright ideas. https://forum.miata.net/vb/showthread.php?t=642742
  2. Yeah we inspected everything when we removed the frame to put the new top on. The old top was fine it just leaked water at the rain rail and had a tear near the glass. Looks like a great trip! Really wish I could justify a nice NC2 club like yours!
  3. The issue with the top is it doesn't seem to be sealing right at the windshield header. I have the top latches tight as possible and still has a bit of a gap. If I could get that gap sealed properly it'd be alright. It doesn't leak water just lots of wind noise.
  4. 195 wtq and 188 whp. nice what do you have to get those numbers?
  5. I'm mostly okay with a more raw experience than a modern car, but the wind noise ever since I've replaced the soft top is unbearable. It's almost as loud as having the top down Yeah I'm not sure what I want to do for fun. I bought the Miata to do track days, yet I only do 1-2 a year. I'm not a big fan of our local autox as its $60 for 4 minutes of track time, and if want to run more than once or twice a year I have to drive to Stockton:eek: Spending 1.5-2 hours in the Miata at 70mph just sounds painfully annoying :lol: My past cars are: 1987 Starion ESi-R, 3000GT VR-4, 1992 Explorer 4x4 (daily driver), 2001 Nissan Maxima AE SE, 08 Legacy spec.B, 90 Miata, 01 Miata, and 07 V8 Explorer. All the other fun cars I've had were more all around cars than the Miata is, so I think that's part of my struggles. I love living in CA but unfortunately this means motor swaps aren't really a possibility. I had actually done a 1.8 swap on my 90 Miata, but sold it so I wouldn't have to deal with potential smog issues. Besides if I were to do a motor swap I'd do a K24 swap or a GM LFX V6. Of course even if I could do a motor swap it brings me back to being unwilling to blow money on the Miata
  6. I honestly don't have any idea. Lately I feel like I've made the right adulting decisions with cars, but I'm not happy. While the Miata is a ton of fun to beat on its tiresome, loud and annoying to drive for anything other than fun. Beyond that my Miata is a bit of a piece of shit as it wasn't ever taken care of until I bought it. As a result I have a hard time spending money on the fun thing when I have so many maintenance issues I should resolve. One option I have is to sell the Miata and the Exploder get a 3rd gen Outback as a beater and then find turbo Subaru to break ringlands and my heart. Another thought is I have access to a 36k mile 1995 Caprice with the LT1 which I could build as a cheapo version of the one Icon made a while back. The reality is I don't know what to do as like I've said I haven't been too happy with the choices I've made car hobby wise lately.
  7. I'm contemplating picking up a hardtop. It's black with defroster and headliner for $1000, but I'm just not sure about spending the money on a car I'm not sure I want to keep. Also Moti at Blackbird Fabworx is having some fun... https://www.instagram.com/p/BUsqYfXFhsF/
  8. Washed it and adjusted the top hopefully it seals better on the header now. Not sure what else to try. I have the latches as tight as possible and tried the adjustments prescribed for the hardtop.
  9. I live in Commiefornia, and I'm also rubbing it in
  10. Half? Pft I'd be happy with a quarter... Miata life!
  11. Come live in Placer County it's way easier here.
  12. In CA CCW's are issued by the county sheriff's office, so the level of difficulty varies greatly. In my county I could likely get my CCW in about a 1/4 of the time and for way less.
  13. yeah I heard about that, actually I got an email from Trackmasters about it... might have to look into it
  14. I don't like driving on Sunday makes a terrible long day. All day on track then a 4 hour drive home, did it once never again.
  15. I tried to register for D on Saturday and it was sold out in less than 10 min Looks like I won't be making it this year
  16. VVT is the main reason I bought my NB2. I love being able to roll into the throttle at lower rpms and still get torque.
  17. Exactly. People run with a different number of posts per page for different reasons. Telling someone to read page 143 is meaningless when some of us do not even have a page 143. All the posts have a number on them. In most cases and especially in a long thread like this it's far better to reference the post number because that is the same for everyone.
  18. How many posts per page do you have on? Perhaps a post number to start reading at might be a better guide for him
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