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Chris GTO TT

I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Chris GTO TT

  1. Flyin Miata just posted a picture with your rig in the back ground on Instagram. I've been looking for your cars in the pictures they've been posting this week.
  2. Haha probably. I'm pretty sure my front crank seal is leaking too.
  3. Can you tell where the oil leak was from? The car polished out great!
  4. Not a bad grab for $500. Have you developed a plan for it yet?
  5. I don't have any where near the skill needed to rent any of the options!
  6. It's not often you see a car that makes a Miata look huge!
  7. Does it really matter on a car that doesn't run?
  8. I have some parts lying around I need to get installed... Finally bought some front wheel bearings and I had a coupon code for a racing shop so I picked up a schroth profi ii-6h.
  9. It's easy to pass a Ferrari when it's on fire!
  10. Yup time to find another place to host pictures for me too
  11. I like the color actually, but I don't want to drive a yellow car regularly. Also my wife hates yellow cars because of an ex. My ideal is still a white 09+ NC 6spd sport suspension/lsd car.
  12. Delivered to Sacramento for the same price as the yellow one?
  13. Why does it have to be yellow https://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/cto/6168297337.html
  14. Yes that's kind of what I was thinking. I don't need a near race car. I have a couple of local shops here in the Sacramento area I'd use if I ever found a decent 5mt LGT car in need of a motor.
  15. Is it high G load fuel starvation, or actually running out of fuel?
  16. I more trying to figure out what it'd cost to get a non-running LGT Wagon with a 5spd and have it put together. My wife even told me to run the numbers
  17. Oh there's a reason I put off test driving a NC Club for so long, but since we were out being stupid I figured it was worth the look. I'm actually trying to convince my parents to dump their 04 Boxster for a PRHT Club.
  18. Went and looked at it this morning and mechanically it was okay, pulled hard and felt good, but it needed a new top, paint was trashed and he never titled it in his own name. I figured I'd have to put at least 2-3k into it just to be happy which is already where I am at with my 01. As much fun as it was I just couldn't justify the cost, so I passed. For shits and giggles on the way home we test drove a NC Club Sport PRHT... I think after our new house closes I may start the hunt for a NC with the soft top....
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