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Chris GTO TT

I Donated Too
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Everything posted by Chris GTO TT

  1. With FM dropping the price of the FM221 to $860 what advantage does the $1200 MegaSquirt Pro PnP get me?
  2. Oh news on my Miata. I'm going to drop it off at the body shop on Monday. Probably not going to be ready for Miatas @ MRLS.
  3. I'm so jealous! Here I was struggling to justify $1500 for Feal 441's!
  4. http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/betty-faint.gif
  5. My Explorer has a 22 gallon tank and I struggle to get 300 miles on a tank lol
  6. Haha. The biggest thing I'd have to figure out is how to mount a tail light. I got home and looked over the paper work. They are only including 3 hours of labor to fix the rear panel behind the bumper cover between the tail lights. From what I'm being told our body shop friend said that likely wasn't enough time to repair the damage.
  7. Why would I screw up a perfectly good 4.30 torsen diff?
  8. I had my dad take it in this morning, so all I know for now is what my dad told me on the phone. He also took it to the body shop we'd likely have complete the work and according to my dad he said it was a good estimate. I'm going to look at the paperwork tonight and probably make arrangements for the next steps tomorrow.
  9. Estimate from the adjuster says they think there's only $2600 in total damage to the car and they want to try to fix it. However they said they wouldn't know for sure if until the rear bumper comes off whey they start the work.
  10. The point of the cheaper Miata was to have something I could walk away from if I crashed it on the track. Once I cross about 10k in car value track day insurance is something that should be seriously considered. Not too interested in BMW and consumables for Corvettes is just silly expensive compared to a NC. Yeah I figure if I do an NC it'd have to stay stock longer as I'd be starting over from scratch as nothing I have from the NA/NB will fit. Of course all of this is conjuncture as I don't even know if it for sure being totaled. It's going in for an estimate on Wednesday morning.
  11. The NB makes a better track car which can be used on the street, but the NC makes a better street car that can be used on the track.
  12. Now that I'm done being giddy for you, that car is going to FLY on the track! Xidias and 150ish WHP in a 2200lb car sounds like a blast! I'd love a Chevy SS, but unfortunately it's well outside my budget. We're in contract with a builder at a development for a house so I cannot buy anything which would require a loan. One of my thoughts is to take the money the insurance company gives me, add some of my savings, and wait until the house closes and then go find a NC Club Sport. I'm not sure I like the idea of a 18-20k Miata/track car though.
  13. Yeah the issue is the carb legal kit is nearly $6k
  14. Yeah I was reading about it and you can use all stock everything so it looks totally stock. It'd be a riot with FM's new CARB Legal supercharger kit:lol:
  15. Yeah, love the color. Not sure about a 2.5 swap though. That's likely more money than I'd want to spend.
  16. hmmmm... https://sfbay.craigslist.org/scz/cto/d/miata-mx5-grand-touring/6287326105.html
  17. I just saw that car lol. For that money I'd buy a MSM or NC.
  18. It's sitting at the house now, only thing I want to keep is the wheels and possibly the roll hoop. If I do another Miata I'd want different suspension, probably Feal 442's.
  19. Part of me is really bummed about this, but I also think that it might be the opportunity to try and get a 6spd NB2. I haven't been too happy with this Miata for a while now, so if it's totaled I'm not sure I'd even want to buy it back and fix it. If I had the amount of work in it as you do I'd probably fix it.
  20. A friend of mine works for a Mazda/Subaru dealer parts department. She basically said in parts alone there's $1600 in damage.
  21. Yep, totally cool guy. He felt really bad and he started the insurance claim on the spot. If it had to happen it was a best case scenario.
  22. I haven't gotten under it yet but it's pushed all the way into the spare tire and the frame rail on the passenger side looks slightly buckled. Drivers door is more difficult than usual to close. I expect it to be totaled.
  23. And got rear ended today IMG_20170908_135529 by christobal65, on Flickr
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