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the worst 5 speed ever

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How new is the car and do you have the short shift kit? It needs to get broken in, give it a few k miles and it should be a bit smoother. reverse can be a pain even after 27k miles, just put it into first gear and then reverse a bit then try again. If you don't have the ssk, get it.
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probably just you :)

seriously though, I haven't heard much on people missing gears but I have owned a wrx and now the leggy and they hate going into reverse. My way of dealing with this is if it does not go in, release the clutch and then press it in again and try again. That works around 90% of the time.

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Reverse doesnt have a synchro, so the gears might not match up first time. Like the gent above said, depress the clutch, release it then try again.


For the first few K, mine were quite stiff, but now they shift like a knife through butter. Should have my Cobb STS delivered next week, then we'll see how fast I can shift !

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A> Its just the protector on reverse being a little agressive, if you re-clutch it usually goes right in. And as a previous poster said, if that doesnt work a quick shift into first will let you into reverse. I'd rather have an overprotective guard on reverse then accidently shifting into reverse while moving forward. (especially since i have had 3 6MT cars)


B> I have had my car for a few months and 4000 miles, i have killed it maybe twice (usually when i was trying to feather the clutch and not use the gas with the a/c on in a parking lot) and I have missed 2nd once. I have been driving manual cars for only 5 years.. You might suck at stick ;)

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Upgrading the shift knob from the numb/rubbery-feeling and too-tall factory leather shift knob was one of the best and simplest changes I've done to date.


I've put on 3 different shift knobs now and each new one has been better than the original for getting a more solid, mechanical shifter feeling.

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I've missed third a couple times when I first got the car - but that, I figured out, was from being overly aggressive with lever movement. Apparently, my LGT likes smooth and easy shifts (and this does *NOT* mean slow - rather, just smooth and easy guidance, which can be done as fast as a ram-home shift), and I had difficulty breaking myself from my some decade's worth of truly shitty tranny in various DSMs, especially my last, which, although the tranny was excellent, required rather heroic shifts.


With the factory OEM shift knob, I simply use the proper "eggshell" approach, and my shifts are as fast as with my B&M-equipped, rifle-bolt smooth last-car. :)


None of our LGTs like going in to reverse. No synchro. Just double-clutch or engage first gear first, and then go in to reverse. Certainly not the "smoothest operator" when you're in an urban garage and have your date next to you, but just wind out first and second gear a bit, with their straight-cut, and you'll have them impressed again. ;)

<-- I love Winky, my "periwinkle" (ABP) LGT! - Allen / Usual Suspect "DumboRAT" / One of the Three Stooges

'16 Outback, '16 WRX, 7th Subaru Family

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Guest *Jedimaster*
It comes with the Mexican version of the GT :p



I like my 5 speed- it's leaps and bounds ahead of the 5 speed in my WRX.

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As you can tell, reverse is a pain. You're definitely not the only one. Probably one of my top 5 peeves about this car. :mad:


How many miles do you have on your car? On my LGT, after about 1100 miles the shifter feels like it's "broken-in" a bit and feels a little bit better. But it's definitely still "looser" than my last manual.


You might want to consider a short throw shifter and/or shifter bushings like the other posters have mentioned earlier.

-=- Livin life at 140 BPM -=-

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I fondly recall my 1966 MG Midget, which did not have synchro into FIRST, either. Those were fun downshifts, I tell you...


I am thinking of going with a Datsun 5 speed conversion on my 67 Midget. Still haven't decided yet. Would like to keep one engine/stock tranny (spiced up together) for road competition and then have the other engine and tranny (5sp converted) for normal daily-driver use. You have to double clutch and finesse the MG into first gear and almost always at a dead stop.


BOT - Get the STI SSK or one of the other SSs with good bushings and you'll take 90% of the shifting difficulty out of the equation. The remaining 10% will be up to you to "learn" the sweet spot engagement snik, sniks. :)


When you go to reverse from a stop, hold your clutch in (disengaged) put the tranny in 1st gear and then without releasing the clutch, go in one smooth motion from upper left (1st) to bottom right (Reverse) without banging off the right side shift limiter... more like a rounded off horizontal "Z" instead of a down (stop), over (stop), back (stop). If you can't get it to go in, then just release the clutch just a smidgen and then push it in. Now try slotting the shifter into reverse. Should work without any drama at that point.



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