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Questions about boost (5EAT)

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07 stock 5EAT


I've done some searching and have seen similar posts, but nothing that is quite the same.


I've noticed some "issues" in regards to boost when in S# mode. If I am shifting and floor it for lets say getting on the freeway, if I am in 2nd or third and hitting around 4500-5000 RPMS the boost seems to drop/stop and the rpms drop to around ~2500.


If I am not shifting the car seems to hold the boost for quite a while, if I hit 4500+ rpms and let off the gas to slow down the rpms will remain at that level for several seconds maybe 5+. I can step on the gas again and the turbo is already spooled and this will continue until I either keep my foot off the gas, keep pressing the gas and eventually it will shift/drop the rpms or I change to another mode. I hope I explained that well enough.



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he is definitely talking about the shift hang i hate it too s# is a waste only kind of useful when shifting manually really even sport has the same thing with the shift hang just revs freely really annoying.
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so you have the pedal to the floor in 2nd/3rd, engine is at 5000rpm, and all of a sudden you lose power and RMPs drop to 2500?


Yes that is pretty much it. I'll try it again tonight to get a better description and numbers. But yes, foot on the floor in 2nd RPM climbing, hit about 5k and drop/lose boost.

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I've driven my fair share of 5eats, including but not limited to tribecas which share a nearly identical 5eat, just without si drive. I've also personally tuned quite a few of them as well. it sounds like a torque converter problem. i say that because the man says it only happens in a certain si mode. the transmission tcu knows what mode its in and bases converter behavior on that i mode and s mode and s# send different protocols to the tcu to base converter and shift behavior on. with that said, a locked up converter will pose a higher load on the engine and therefore allow quicker boost build and will also suddenly drop rpms when it locks, if it stays locked, it will feel like the boost builds quicker. the issue with letting off the pedal and having a 5 second delay is unusual
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What I mean by the 5 sec delay is if I'm in auto mode S# and have my foot to the floor the boost/rpms will stay rev'd up for a good 5+ seconds even after letting off the gas. If I press the gas again while this is happening the turbo is already spooled and the car takes off immediately no waiting. So it's holding that boost for quite a while. Hope that's more clear. So I have 2 issues, one dropping the boost in shift mode and one holding the boost in auto mode.
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Oh. so, this is different than what I read earlier.


If you're in auto mode and you floor it, the tranny will hold that downshifted gear for a few seconds even if you let off the gas, this is because it thinks you're making an evasive maneuver and doesn't shift again to cause a disruption in power delivery. Also, even if the rpm's are high, it doesn't always mean you should be building x amount of boost, it depends on requested torque to the engine which is in correlation to pedal angle. less pedal angle, less requested torque, I.E. less request for engine to "make" power (I.E. through turbo and boost target requisition)

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Yeah, so basically S# acts weird in both auto and manual modes. In auto mode (S#) after flooring it the rpms will stay at lets say 5000 rpms and won't drop for several seconds after letting off the gas, I can push the gas again while the rpms are up and it just takes off like I never let off the gas. From what you are saying this is "normal".


I guess the main concern is the rpms dropping when shifting in S#, I get more oomph from manual, except when I don't lol.

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Yeah, so basically S# acts weird in both auto and manual modes. In auto mode (S#) after flooring it the rpms will stay at lets say 5000 rpms and won't drop for several seconds after letting off the gas, I can push the gas again while the rpms are up and it just takes off like I never let off the gas. From what you are saying this is "normal".


I guess the main concern is the rpms dropping when shifting in S#, I get more oomph from manual, except when I don't lol.


This is normal behavior of the 5eat. if you're at 5k rpms and you let off the gas, the engine is still going to be running at 5k rpms, just with very minimal exhaust to spool the turbo, pressing the pedal at this point will influx fuel and air to and already fast moving engine, thus you'll feel a burst of power from the large amounts of gas instantly being produced from the engine and to the turbo. opposed to being at 2k rpm and waiting for the rpms to rise and get the power. this is presicely why at the drag strip you rev to a certain rpm before dropping the clutch at launch, to quick spool the turbo and gain better times.

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I feel you are not describing a problem at all when you floor it at lets say 40mph in sport sharp and you let off at lets say 55mph it WILL hold 2nd gear that is normal behaviour the idea is to hold the gear I guess allowing you to engine break and/or keep the rpms through a turn however it is a really dumb idea as you basically need to always go flat out in sport sharp. Like I said best use for sport sharp is when shifting manually..................
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I feel you are not describing a problem at all when you floor it at lets say 40mph in sport sharp and you let off at lets say 55mph it WILL hold 2nd gear that is normal behaviour the idea is to hold the gear I guess allowing you to engine break and/or keep the rpms through a turn however it is a really dumb idea as you basically need to always go flat out in sport sharp. Like I said best use for sport sharp is when shifting manually..................


So yes, I guess what you are saying makes sense, that it is holding the gear since the rpms stay high and it's ready to keep going and only does it in S# mode. I will chalk that up as normal since I am used to driving either a manual or "regular" automatic not a 5EAT.


Second issue with losing power during shifting in S#. Floored it from the metering light onto the freeway, shifting in S#. No issues, rev'd to ~5500 rpms, shift, ~5500, shift, made it through the gear no loss of power/boost.


Guess it's time to get a cable/port and go stage 1 with this.

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The simplest explanation for S# behavior is "video game" mode. It will tend to hold the lowest possible gear, and downshift very quickly, similar to automatic mode in Forza/Gran Tourissmo. If that's not what you're looking for, manual shifting or S are the way to go.


The RPM loss seems a little weird though.

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I only shift in Forza, GT sucks lol


I do usually manual shift in this car, more responsive, great for mountain driving and stop and go (the only time I will say YAY for no clutch).


The possible power loss maybe the car automatically shifting even though I'm in shift mode. I thought I read the car will auto shift at redline, though I wasn't at redline. I'll mess with it more and see if that is what's happening.


Thanks again!

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