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Warranty and Bent Intercooler Fins (GRRRrrrr)

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I have had my LGT for about a month now and was on the road and evidently I sucked some stuff through my hood scoop which ended up bending some fins on the intercooler. I am really pissed about this because it looks like sh!t and I am anal about my car, ie I take pride in my car and it just ticks me off. I wanted to know if I needed to worry about this and if it is repairable under the warranty at Subie? This is the first and definately not the last Subie I will own, so my run ins with the dealership are nil as of right now.


I posted this in the warranty because I wanted to get it repaired at the dealer if I need to worry about it. Of all the many fins on the intercooler, its probably about 9 that are bent. Am I way overreacting?



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Yeh I just researched that and will probably do that this next weekend. I guess I will swing by the dealership tomorrow as well and see about a repair. OCD can be a killer sometimes...


/closes and opens computer three times before clicking post


/washes hands 4 times



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I used needle nose pliers and a small knife end to fix/straighten any bends in my fins over the months. If you make a big deal at the dealer and they actually take it in for warranty, they'll probably just bust out their own needle nose pliers, make 'em straight and hand the car back to you.


Take your time and you will be able to straighten them out A-OK.

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Yeh I already started going at it with my leatherman but held off after some second thinking. Thanks for the replies and suggestions. That radiator rake is an interesting gadget as well. I think I'll just revisit tomorrow with some good elbow grease as well when I install my JDM rear sway bar.


This kind of stuff just really peeves me. Thanks for the help.


/turns lights on and off 5 times before leaving room

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That will not work as it is for parallel fins. Ours are sawtooth style...

Only thing to do is get two small screwdrivers, xacto knives, etc and carefully straighten them out.


I've had to do it ~ 5 times on mine already.... no problem....

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