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Project ForeSTAR Built Thread

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Can it b driven on the street at all with one headlight?


There is a LOT not street-legal on this car.

[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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Yeah I have read up on the rules for the harnesses and I will be making some changes before I paint the cage. As far as the headlight no it is not legal but I intent to get some universal driving lights to mount in the grill to substitute. Not that this will be driven in the dark that often but as many other said based on most law this is not street legal but I will be driving it on the street from time to time. Maybe occationally for fun drives, Subaru meets, and such but I plan to drive it to every event I go to. I'll be making a custom hitch to pull a support trailer thats been modified to hold a set of track wheels/tires, tools, jack, mini compresser, and some spare parts out of a cheap 2 wheeled harbor freight trailer. It will be painted and slammed to match the foz haha. Where I live we have no emmissions and most cops don't care unless your being an ass. This will be one the quieter cars I have owned so I don't expect that much trouble from the fuzz.


However I am kinda worried about driving it to away events in Idaho, Oregon, Cali, and Canada.... Still as long as I'm driving as an exceptional example of safe driving I hope most cops pass me by. Usually I can get out of a ticket by telling them this is a race car. I am just driving it to an event to have safe and legal fun so there is no need for me to drive like a douche. I think the trailer will help as well.




Got some more work done. Yesterday I spent most of the day getting a bunch of mock up pieces made from cardboard.



Rear floor panel...


I have a couple other but they are not worth showing yet. Next I spent some time and cleaned up the remainder of the sound crap off the interior to get it ready to paint once I finish the rest of the bits.


Then I started work on fitting the dash. Just getting rid of the bits...



Some of the more experienced know but when doing a dash swap from GC8 to WRX there is this really ugly gap at the door jam. This Forester actually had a GC8 dash in it from factory so the WRX swap is essensially the same. However... I know few tricks to eliminate that gap.. Fits like factory.



Yesterday I worked from 8am to 1am and got a bunch done. Time consuming but every hour is an hour closer to finishing. I was contimplating what to do with the forward floor panal and it hit me so I started getting that all taken care of.

First I started with the framing.


Then I made the upper cover plate.


Unfortunetly at this time it was about 7:00 and getting to dark for good pics but I finished cutting up a bunch of pieces to finish it. I still need to get a bit more aluminum sheeting for the muffler cover but tomorrow when I post my update you'll get a another look at one of my super mega funtime special ideas... :)

More soon today is going to be abother productive day.


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If I worked faster I'd be dead... Or the quality would go from stainless hardware to zip ties...




My buddy has a sign in his shop. It goes..






Pick any 2


If it's good and fast it will not be cheap.


If is fast and cheap it will not be good


If it's good and cheap it will not be fast

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Damn, you're pretty good...

Update time!!!!!!

Started my day off on the right foot with gift from the UPS guy. FITTINGS!!!


Still missing a few that were back orderd but this is going to make working and fixing this beast a breeze. No more crappy hose clamps or torn hoses from barb fittings. All of the hoses have been consolodated to 4 sizes: Vacuum lines, -6an (3/8), -8an (1/2), and -10 (5/8). These are push lock style fittings so trackside replacing of hoses will be a snap and minimal tools will be required. I have an array of steel and aluminum weld bungs to convert the verious barb fittings over. Mapping out hoses and figuring out the required fittings is a pain in the ass but these guys had them all and the pricing was great. They even have the an/ metric fittings to replace bango or tapped holes in the block and manifold. Great place for one stop shopping when needing fittings. I have to have a few of my tanks rewelded with the new bungs so these will have to wait a bit before I can install them all. I am going to try and prep them this week along with the modifications I need to do to my intake manifold and intercooler.

Anyways back to some progress pics. Finished up the forward floor panel.


Super seceret cubby...



The battery fuse boxes and bulk of the harness will go here. Great for weight distribution. All on the passenger side by the axle and same level as the floor to lower the center of gravity. Still need to finish a few things up and paint the steel but I'll do all that once the cage interior is ready for paint. The battery itself is actually bolted to the steel square tubing on resting on the floor. Don't want my battery falling out from under the car... Still a ways to go yet.

Got the firewall piece cut and just set it in the there for now.


I'll be finishing this up and mounting all my crap to it today.


and finally the rear piece. I have a couple little things to finish up here as well. Going to make a couple cover panels that will cover the fillter next and sender unit to protect them if something lands on them. I should be able to run all the interior lines soon as well once I finish the firewall for the muffler.

I still have a crap load of stuff to do but I'd say progress is going well. I am hoping to have everything fabbed and ready to be puilled for paint, and powdercoating before the end of the month so fingers crossed.


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Hey all iiiiiiiiiiiits UPDATE TIME!!!!

Started the day getting everything that needs TIG welding ready to go. My buddy is going to TIG them for me since I don't have a welder (yet) while I finish up other things.

I got this Throttle body flange from my buddy Mike at PIA. Just had it laying around... I start with him whenever I need a strange part lol.


Finished up modifying the crappy replica manifold to get it over to the win side. I use an aluminum spool gun to tack the parts in place so they could be TIGed. Welds are ugly but they hold.


Then moved onto the coldside intercooler pipe...


BOV has a home now.


Nice full shot. Look at how short my piping whooo doggy!!


After that all the parts came off and I dropped them off at my buddies. Other parts that joined them were my P/S and coolant tank (getting JIC fittings welded in), and my coolant manifold (getting a filler port for the v-mount installed)

So with those parts off and gone it was time to keep busy with everything else. I started off by shaving my alternator braket down. Because racecar, it only needs to hold the alternator.



My P/S pump with new converted fittings gets installed...


and the rest of my day was used up running the brake/ clutch lines. Not using ABS on this car so I have a non-ABS pump and bias block. Installed them nice and clean like....


and finally the clutch line. Originally it runs on the firewall but I need the room for other crap so I ran a new line..


Well thats all I got for now. More soon I still have plenty to do...


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Then moved onto the coldside intercooler pipe...


I was kinda surprised to see next to no allowance for motor movement, solid motor mounts I would assume? Looking good!

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Yes they are solid motor mounts and tranny mount. I no longer have a pitch mount ether.


So its been a while...


I had to put the Foz on the back burner for a week so I could get a few quick $$ makin jobs to pay the bills. However I did manage to get some time in this last week and weekend on the Foz before another job showed back up.

While I was taking a break on the Foz a buddy of mine TIGed up some parts for me since I don't have a tig. My P/S rez, coolant tank, radiator, and my coolant manifold. I ended up welding the intercooler and intake manifold myself with my spool gun. Welds were ugly but they had good penetration so I just grinded them down.

BOV and intercooler pipe finished up and installed..


Next was starting on getting all my lines finished. For my lines I have welded on AN adapters with puch-lock fittings to make maintainance easier. So I started with mounting all my crap.


For the coolant manifold because I have a V-Mount and the radiator is so low I welded in a fillter cap into it. This is just a threaded cap not a pressyre cap the coolant tank has that. Its like an 02 wrx setup.


Got some of the lines for the turbo figured out..


And stepped back for a nice engine shot.. :)


Last I got a good amount of the fuel lines and pieces mounted for the fuel delivery system.


So the GC8 project I have been working on is back from what was sopposed to be getting painted but its taking too long to I told them to give it back after it was jammed so I could finish it and get paid. I'll be working on that most of the week but I will still be putting in the weekends on the Foz to keep it moving along. Once the GC is done I'll have the time and most importantly the money to get the engine built and order the last few parts I need to actually finish this thing.

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The last picture has me intrigued. Can you explain the fuel delivery system to this noob? Thanks


Surge tank.

[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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A surge tank or swirl pot stores fuel so the main pump dosent run dry under hard cornering. Because the fuel cell is flat on the bottom the fuel can slosh to one side. The in tank pump fills the surge tank so the main pump never runs dry. There is a return line at the top so the surge tank can be filled to the very top and any over pressure spills out telhe return and back into the tank.
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