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Sub box


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You need to send a pm to executor485 he makes these for like 200.00 shipped i think.


or you could be the brave one and diy it yourself




I have started one but ran into a snag with my 12" sub so instead of doing a floating box I made the box so it sticks out a little more.


pics: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs888.ash1/179639_10150378366730022_855185021_16907604_1265923_n.jpg




not done, had to cut out the top section and redo it flat but hopefully this weekend it will finally be done.

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You need to send a pm to executor485 he makes these for like 200.00 shipped i think.


or you could be the brave one and diy it yourself




I have started one but ran into a snag with my 12" sub so instead of doing a floating box I made the box so it sticks out a little more.


pics: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs888.ash1/179639_10150378366730022_855185021_16907604_1265923_n.jpg




not done, had to cut out the top section and redo it flat but hopefully this weekend it will finally be done.


Will PM executor485. As far as making it yourself, I think I could do the first - third layers easy enough. The problem I see, or maybe just have a hard time visualizing, is attaching the MDF to the fiberglass. What's the best way to keep the MDF level (straight) while doing this? Is attaching really as easy as just applying 2 layers between the mold and the MDF?

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Will PM executor485. As far as making it yourself, I think I could do the first - third layers easy enough. The problem I see, or maybe just have a hard time visualizing, is attaching the MDF to the fiberglass. What's the best way to keep the MDF level (straight) while doing this? Is attaching really as easy as just applying 2 layers between the mold and the MDF?



I used pieces of wood nailed to various places then a few strips of fiber glass. Once dry I removed the wood and finished it then removed my original strips and covered them. I did mess up and the top that I redid did not dry and applying stait hardner did not fix it so I have to get more resin or something to fix it. Still hopefully will be done this weekend. I can tell you if your installing a 10" sub it's alot easier, I had to change it alot to fit my 12 because I didn't want the floating one.


Apparently I like using the letter I "lolololol"

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The photo used on the Wicked CAS website is a shot of my trunk. I still have the box and have been very happy with it. Just keep in mind it has as small internal volume when you choose your sub.


I tried the JL 10w1, 10w3v3, and 10w6v2. The W6 was hands down my favorite.

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The photo used on the Wicked CAS website is a shot of my trunk. I still have the box and have been very happy with it. Just keep in mind it has as small internal volume when you choose your sub.


I tried the JL 10w1, 10w3v3, and 10w6v2. The W6 was hands down my favorite.



Thanks good info, I was curious about which sub would fit...

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