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Legacy vs Legacy vs ??? ?!?!?

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Well, I feel the time has come to part ways with my 5eat Stg2 LGT, and obviously I'm looking for a used upgrade in the same price zone. The thing is, though I don't know where to go from here. All I know is I need awd and a manual... and that I like turbos. My question is, is a 5mt legacy a worthwhile "upgrade" or is the 5mt something that won't make a noticeable impact in my daily driving for me to spend my money on it? If you guys were looking into a new car in a similar price range and similar/ better performace what would you look into? Thanks!


PS: Not looking for this to turn into a 5mt vs 5eat war, I'm just looking for legit facts. I don't care about numbers or statisics from websites, I just want to know if changing from a AT to MT is worthwhile, and any other opinions on other cars out there.


driving one would tell you more than all the replies you may get ;)

i'd say drive the other platforms out there that fit your criteria too -- even if they don't hit your bullseye, that would validate your initial impulse; additionally, you won't be left with any what-ifs.


personally, i'd lean twd a spec b if staying in the legacy family.


If you are into upgrades, there is a lot more you can do with the manual transmission. It will be (marginally) faster mod-for-mod and you can upgrade the transmission (6-speed or add a front LSD to the 5-MT) which in itself transforms the car. You can also swap the tranny to a 5MT. It's not easy but I think people here have done it.


But if I were you I would look at G35/37x and EVO X or of course an STI or Spec B.


How is a BMW 335i anywhere in the same price zone as any Legacy? Not arguing that it's a amazing car, but the OP is specifically mentioned price so... I guess you could find one VERY used.


I've asked myself the same question, what would I replace my car with. Did not come up with a lot of opitons.



Audi A4/A6

Spec. B

Thanks for some of the advise guys! When it comes to awd, it's not an absolute necessity, but it's a huge plus. I would love to buy another legacy, it's just that it means I have to start from scratch again, which is kind of a bummer.
I don't know what the "price zone" is that you are looking at, but if it's roughly the same price that you can acquire a 2005 Legacy for, then you're probably looking at another Legacy or a WRX, if AWD and turbo power is what suits you. An A4 isn't going to get you "the same or better" performance as a stage II Legacy until you do a turbo swap. Not to mention the upgrade path is expensive relative to Subaru.

If there was a "better" turbo AWD car in this price range, most of us would be driving it already.


I'm always tempted to sell and get a blown Mercedes (either an E55 or S600) but I really like what I've got now.

G37x also does not come in a MT. :( I like them a lot... but no can do. Wait for the Buick Regal GS. :D
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I can't comment specifically on the Legacy MT or AT, but from other cars I've driven I can make assumptions.


I've drivena few cars with identical engines and different transmissions. Cars like Corrollas, Tiburon GT's, F150's, Dodge diesel 1-ton trucks, Chevy 1500's and the like.


If you want fun, easy convenience with less expensive maintenance intervals, get an AT car. If you want the ultimate in fun driving experiences get an MT car. Its not like you're planning on taking this car to a track, so you should take the car that best suits your commute and daily rituals into account also. You're going to have to live with this car, day in and day out.


Both of my cars are automatics. My GFs car is a stick. While I do enjoy driving her car when we go places, I find that I worry more about harsh driving with a manual. Its also sometimes a pain in heavy stop-and-go traffic, especially with a heavy clutch like my old trucks. It is more fun though, and the performance gains are incredible. Between the reduction in rotating mass, the "grab" of an actual clutch, and the difference in gear ratios between an MT car and its AT counterpart you're talking some serious performance differences. You don't have to do as much in an MT car, but there are times when I wish the Pathfinder and the Legacy had the stick shift. Likewise, there are times when I wish my GF's car had an automatic.


In the end, its all personal preference, but from a performance standpoint the comparison is night and day, as with the driving experience.




You also need to keep in mind that there really isn't an alternative if you want a pure-bred, ground-up turbo AWD car in your pricerange. Its Subaru or nothing for the most part. Nevermind finding one you're going to like.

Look for a gently used spec B.............a sh*t load of car for the money. Once it becomes your daily driver , you won't even realize that you're clutching because your body becomes so used to it. I drive mine daily in NYC.......lots of traffic----no problem. (Just a lot of FUN !)
Do it right the first time.........or don't bother doing it at all.

I forgot the most important part of owning a stick shift...


You get intimate with the car. You know how it works, how it drives, where the torque happens, when its happy, when its not, and most of all, you truly feel "One with the car." Its less transportation and more expression of self. You drive how you feel, which makes it feel like the car is feeling it too. Anger, relaxation, nervousness, excitement, ect. The car reacts like you do, and does as you tell it to. Its not a car, its a tool. A weapon.





:lol: :lol:





Automatics do feel detached, which is partially why America loves them so much. Their convenience, ease of use, and smoothness is oftentimes appreciated though.


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