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Before I order HVAC Bulbs

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just a couple screw on the back


So reflective tape will help if I put it over the faded spots? I dont see how reflective tape would allow light through. But really I don't understand the concept in general.


Does anyone know http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-bin/store/index.cgi?action=DispPage&Page2Disp=%2Fspecs%2FWLED-x5.htm if they will fit into the gauge cluster?

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no, remove the gauges and put the tape on the cluster, behind the gauges, so that light will reflect off of it, through the gauges above it


I will see what I can find for bulbs I am ordering a bright one for shits n giggles the 5 LED one to see what it does and if it will fit. 220 degree angle :)


Off topic but do you happen to know what that one website was that makes custom gauges for 100$?

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Yeah I thought about that. How did you do the silver outline on the black plastic part? I saw how you did the carbon fiber ones but then the after picture showed the silver cluster.


But do you know the website?

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oh, thats a stainless steel gauge bezel..


not sure of the website, i can google for it


Where did you get the gauge bezel? I love that look.


Yeah I tried to google for it but couldn't find anything on it. Maybe you will have better luck. Maybe my keywords were off.

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I take it on the second site I could use the 97-99 gauge stickers? Even though I don't redline at 6500.


Wait nevermind I can't use those because the speedo would be off I would assume. My speedo goes up to 140MPH those go to 120MPH.


This would be awesome.




Wonder if the 96 could use these :) I would get the sonic blue.

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I wish I could find that website that someone posted that you can make your own gauge overlays.


IT was in a forum where amp showed off his gauges but I can't seem to find that thread anymore.

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Before they do anything they have to have in 25 orders. Who knows how long that will take. I am not sure what would look good having the blue lights in the background for the gauge cluster. Shitty thing also is they don't do fuel/temp gauges.


I wonder if there is any place around that would turn the gauge faces into a transparent sticker per say. Does that even make sense?


The reason I say that is because I have access to Photoshop so if I came up with a design if I could get a place to make them into transparent stickers :) or would the whole gauge have to be replaced to do something like AMP did?


I am confusing my self.

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25? that aint happening, expecially for 100bucks each,


you could scan yours and tweak it in photoshop, take it somehwere to have it printed on a transparent plastic.. laser printer, stickers blow, such a bitch to put on

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