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Legacy mistaken for Taurus - Oh the Humiliation.

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Here's the story: While attending a meeting this morning, I look to the parking lot and see a white Taurus wagon has parked right beside my white Legacy wagon.


"Oh, Gawd" I said, "those two look like they were seperated at birth. Why oh why did Subaru have to put a grill on that looks like it came from a Taurus?"

I had to go out and take a picture.


As soon as I got back in, we see the Taurus owner walk out, go between the two cars, and start trying to get into MY car! We couldn't believe it. He's fumbling around with the door handle, wondering why he can't get in, and his car is RIGHT BEHIND HIM.


I'm not sure what finally made him realize he was trying to get into the wrong car, but he figured it out after about twenty seconds. We were crying from laughing so hard. If I'd had my keys on me, I would have set off the alarm. :lol:


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The person was overcome by wishful thinking, hoping that he could upgrade from the taurus to a better car, and no one else would be the wiser.


Didn't work.


I am amazed that the cars can look so similar, and yet if you look at the details, the Legacy is so much better looking for being more angular and less oval. The same thing would be the case with it parked next to an Impala. Similar, but yet very different.

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Where can I get one?


Link please. I'll go get my credit card out.






scans007[/b]]yeah....about 5 mins, a couple of screws, a couple of tabs and it's off......You can get them all over the place. I got mine at www.pltek.net


You can see some pics: http://www.pimpmyauto.com/pictures.htm (just click on JDM grille)



or you can go the cheap way, not a JDM grill though



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