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Red Overlays for 05 Wagon Tails


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I have searched high and low and I cannot find anyone who sells a red overlay for the stock tails.


Is there anything out there or do I have to buy JDM tails?


Sorry if this is a repost, but I really had a hard time sifting through the search results.



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I would just buy some raw red film, apply, then cut away what you don't want. I think working with a larger piece then needed is easier anyways!


My .02...


good call - would a tint shop have this? I am taking my car in monday for a tint - maybe they can do it.

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It depends on if the shop also does the 3M Laminates too...

If not, just buy bulk online and do it yourself. All it takes it a bit of patience and a sharp xacto knife



thanks - any preferred place to get some? I saw some on ebay for 30 bucks.

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Too many new members in this thread.;)


THIS is what you want if you don't want to buy JDM tail lights.


But they are hard to apply. I'd buy 2 sets. One to practice on and wreck. The second to get right.

Use lots of heat, and apply in the summer, or in your living room (Take the lights off the car).



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