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SEMA Forester XTI..test drive

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Perhaps we could put together something for Dominick Infante, Prod. Comm Mgr. of SOA requesting they build it? Perhaps if they see a lot of interest from current Subaru owners it could help?


Trying now to get his contact info....


Got it...


Phone: (856) 488-8615




Perhaps we put something together...don't know that we'd want to bombard him.

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Emailing him now.....(will it help, maybe not..but what's the harm?)




As a Subaru owner and auto enthusiast, thank you to you and your teams efforts with the Forester XTi. Its nice to see that what we know can be done has actually been done. Although it may never see production, just know that you have a BIG following of Subaru enthusiasts that are outgrowing their WRXs and Legacys. On LegacyGT.com (30,000 members) the new Forester has been greatly received however its so-so performance options out of the box are a bit disappointing when we know better is indeed possible. Also on Nasioc (198,000 members) the XTi is also a hit. Basically the chant is BUILD IT....WE WILL BUY IT.


"that has sexy written all over it.."


"I hate Foresters, but that thing is pretty tight, I'd rock one! Bring it to North America!"


"That makes driving a suv 1000% more fun!"


"damn that thing is sweet! hope itll make it to production"


"This is the only new Subaru I'd get rid of my Spec B for."


"I'd buy it in a heart beat if they produce it."


"that would be 2 birds with one stone for me, the room of a forester with the yummies of an STi.... I love!"


"I'd buy it...


In fact it's the only thing I'd replace my LGT Wagon with since Subaru won't make another LGT Wagon..."


Thank you for your time."

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imagine that? an sti engine and suspension setup in a forrester thats only 70 pounds heavier (a very light passenger in an sti) handles well and is fun to drive..




I would have thought that since it wasn't a wrx it was utter trash.. :rolleyes:


nice vid otherwise.


video guy needs to stfu gtfo and soa needs to PRODUCE THESE. "its just a show car" as if that means an sti engine and suspension wont work on a Forrester somehow..


This guy would probably stand in amazement for HOURS if they put a corvette engine in anything but a corvette..

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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He responded....


His response to my email:


Thank you for your note. We love to hear this type of response. As you

probably know, there are plenty of enthusiasts here at Subaru and we

genuinely care about this brand. We enjoy showing the full capabilities

of our products and getting consumers to understand the immense hidden

potential of our vehicles. The Forester, in stock form, has been a great

success for us but we know that many customers will never know how much

better our AWD system is compared to the other CUVs. On the flip side,

we know that few will ever tap into its performance side either. The XTi

really does handle incredibly well, and that is with zero track set up

time. We were really proud of it and glad you enjoyed it.


Best regards,




My response to his...


Thank you Dominick. You love the response, we love to see what you guys can do. And I'm sure you'd like to see it come into the production line up. Is there anything we Subaru owners can do to stress to the people writing the checks how well this vehicle would be received as an addition to the current line up? Or even if not the full blown XTi, just a "tweaked" version of the Forester like we are seeing with the '09 WRX? (5MT, VF52 turbo...265HP, firmer suspension)


Again thank you for your time. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

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they should release this as the sport version, like what they had before the model change.


The XTI is a long shot like a Legacy STI. But they could easily follow the '09 Impreza line up...


Forester X

Forester GT (224HP Auto)

Forester XT (265HP MT, revised fascia and firmer suspension)

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