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Where to get touchup paint?


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Hey, I'm looking to fix some paint flaking on my AME Tracer FS-01 wheels. AME refuses to replace them, and they can't even provide me with touchup paint due to strict company policies. So, what kind of wheel touchup paint is good, and how do I match the colors? Alternatively, how much would it cost to get the wheels re-finished, and where can I get that done? Below is the type of damage I'm trying to fix...it's the worst of the 4 wheels. Thanks.


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That's going to be tough. I don't think you're going to find a single out of the can color that will cover that very well. Looks like a shiny/pearl type finish on them.
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Touching it up by hand will be tough.


Those are sweet wheels though, and worth investing in fixing them properly... if the paint is rough on all/ most of them, you could look into professional powdercoating them. You'd have your pick of tons of colours.



You are in NY too, there should be a bunch of wheel shops available to you. Heck, little Vancouver has 5.

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