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Long Lasting LED?

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is there such a thing? I replaced my license plate with LED lights, now its toast after only a month...... any shop I can buy a LL LED lights? because I am planning on replacing everything with LED lights, but if its going to crap out in 1-2 months ill keep the oem.
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Back when LEDs first came out I was working at an electronics factory and the data for them specified life to be a minimum of 25 years. They were dinky little dim things, not like the wonders we have now. But I imagine the ones in production now to be even better.


Here is an example: http://powerlineleds.com/led_long_life.asp

Note that is for CONTINUOUS operation. :eek:


In short, don't worry about it. In a loooong history in electronics, failed LEDs were extraordinarily rare and usually the result of other factors..... current limiting and circuit failure the biggest culprits. You do know an LED must have a current limiting resistor in series, right?

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Try getting it from this guy they are cheap and reliable. I have a few friends that ordered leds for the whole car from his ebay page and said they were great quality. I ordered some myself and are using them and they have yet to burn out.

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Are they simply powered by the car's 12V system with no power supply in between? if so, that'll allow big differences in current and thus life. LEDs are current driven devices....not voltage. Cheap LED lighting will have a resistor to do somewhat of a current source, but the voltage drop of LEDs will change with time, temperature and age.....so having a "real" current source (switching power supply) will allow the current to be accurately controlled. I do not know if the stuff you guys are buying even have this stuff available. I do power supply design for a living and we do a lot of LED power supplies for everything from flashlights to ac powered lights.



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