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can i leave car running instead of ON position while reflashing ecu?

G mang T

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Your choice, either $100 for a new battery or $1000 for a new ECU.........................


In any case, the car would likely shut off as soon as you being to flash the new map anyway so it's not even remotely worth the risk. I'm sure others will also agree that you should replace the battery PRIOR to attempting to flash a new map - basically you do not want ANYTHING to potentially interrupt the flashing process.

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Your choice, either $100 for a new battery or $1000 for a new ECU.........................


In any case, the car would likely shut off as soon as you being to flash the new map anyway so it's not even remotely worth the risk. I'm sure others will also agree that you should replace the battery PRIOR to attempting to flash a new map - basically you do not want ANYTHING to potentially interrupt the flashing process.




Actually .... I don't believe that you can reflash with the car running.


Mind you I just followed the manufacturer's instructions ....

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my battery sucks and will not stay charged with car running more than 10 min while engines off:confused:




I have no idea what that sentence means but no, you can't reflash with the car on.


If you are flashing using OS, the flash itself usually takes 3-4 minutes. If you are using Cobb, its like 25-30 minutes with AP V1, less with V2.

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Get a battery charger or a new battery.


+1 if you car will only give you 10 minutes of power after you shut the car off you need a new battery to begin with. I went to costco to get one for 55$ 3 year warranty for a replacement if it goes bad and I can run all my accessories(ps2, amp, deck) for an hour off of battery power. So far the costco batter has been stout for the money.

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That's like doing a brain transplant....with the patient awake!


actually they usually do brain surgerys awake... they make the patient read aloud or tell them a story while they cut away. that way if they "F" up, they know. cause he/she stops talking.

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actually they usually do brain surgerys awake... they make the patient read aloud or tell them a story while they cut away. that way if they "F" up, they know. cause he/she stops talking.


He said transplant... Remove brain... put in new one.


You can't really change the car's rom, while it's trying to use it (idle, AFR, etc etc etc).


You could potentially fry your ecu, or worse, make the car go crazy and blow your engine.

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In fact - just take ANY car battery and hook it up for the time being, if you don't want to replace your existing battery. Grab one from your pal, grab one from a neighbor...anything.


Do you know what re-flashing is? It tells the ECU how to keep the engine running. It can't do that WHILE. It's like...building an airplane in flight.

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+1.. never hurts to ask.


btw if you find yourself with a dead battery a lot or have cars that sit up.. look into a "battery tender." I have one, its great.. its basically a smart charger that wll maintain a battery without overcharing it.


I recently let my LGT sit up for a week.. I opened the hood slapped the battery tender on it and let it sit. It turned over fine after the week.. (it ddint start and was turning VERY poorly but thats not cos of the battery..) and after the 3rd try it fired right up.. ifthe battery had beendrained from sittingup it probably wouldn't have fired up.



"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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